Take Me To Your Bed

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(Song - S&M - Rihanna)
(TW: panic attack)


Morning wasn't fun for Alex. How much time he got to spend with Elise on school days before having to take her back to Ellie's the next morning wasn't something he considered fun. It wasn't enough time for him. He understood the burnout a lot of parents get, but he didn't have that. Not yet. Maybe he'd get it if he had her permanently, in fact he's sure that he would, and he'd need to take a few hours to himself here and there, but right now, a few hours at school or a few hours to himself, or whole days when he didn't have Elise just wasn't cutting it for him. He wanted her all the time.
Leaving for school was hard. He teared up a little as he handed Elise to Isobel, "I love you so so much." He sniffled a little and kissed her little forehead, her big dark hazel, nearly brown eyes that matched Alex's flawlessly staring up at him, her little mouth open in a wide grin. Alex wiped the tears that fell.
"Sweetheart, she's perfectly okay. I know you know that. Go to school, you'll be home by noon anyway." Isobel smiled and kissed Alex's forehead.
Alex nodded and walked backwards out the door, watching Elise as Isobel waved her little hand for her saying "bye bye daddy, have a good day at school, I love you daddy." 
Alex smiled and went off.
He parked and went through the gates to be greeted by both Rian and Jack this time.
He offered them both a small smile. 
"What's wrong?" Jack asked curiously.
Rian looked at Alex. He knew exactly what was wrong, but Jack didn't.
Alex just shrugged, "Bad night, bad morning I guess. I'm all good Jack. No worries. Still picking me up at 6?" He asked with a small smile.
Jack nodded, "Yeah I wouldn't forget about that. Just be dressed warm, it's cold out. I don't know if we'll be outside much, but just bring a coat." He shrugged, "I gotta go, so I'll see you at lunch." He smiled and walked off.
Alex sighed, "No you won't." He muttered once Jack was long gone.
Rian patted Alex's shoulder, "It's gonna be okay Alex. Just focus on the time you get with Elise before you take her home and go on your date. It'll work out the way it's supposed to." 
Alex rolled his eyes, "Alright captain positive." He put his stuff in his locker and slammed it shut, not wasting time getting to their class.

The lunch bell rang and Alex headed straight for the gate. Jack ran up to catch up to him, "Hey, where are you going? Aren't you getting lunch?" He asked, huffing a little from running.
Alex shook his head, "I have a thing at home. I do a bunch of my schoolwork at home every other day. Just a thing for raising my grades and all that..." He lied, badly. Jack just raised an eyebrow and nodded, "Okay...Well, see you at 6 then." He smiled anyway.
Alex groaned to himself then went home.
He spent the afternoon doing tummy time with Elise, trying to engage her with stimulating toys and what not, singing to her, playing his guitar for her, and just overall spending literally every second with her.
He sighed when it was time to take her home.
He loaded her up in the car and took her back to Ellie's house.
He knocked on the door with her carseat in hand.
"Wow. Finally." Ellie rolled her eyes, "You're late."
Alex sighed, "I'm five minutes late and only because I got stuck behind a whole line of cars. My bad." He handed Ellie the carseat, then leaned over and kissed Elise's cheek, "I love you so much my beautiful girl. I'll see you on Thursday, okay? I love you." He cooed at her. 
Ellie pulled the car seat into the house, "God damn it Alex! She gets it! Stop! Just let me take her!" She yelled.
Alex glared, "Why the fuck can't I kiss my kid goodbye?! What is your issue with that Ellie? Is it too much for me to stand here on the porch long enough to show my baby some love? I mean fuck, just because you don't give a fuck when I take her doesn't mean that I don't give a fuck when you do! I care every single day! I fucking cry when I don't have her around! All I want is to be with her all day, every day and you make that so hard! You try so hard to pretend to be a good mom without actually being a good fucking mom Ellie! She's not a toy to show off to your friends! Fuck. She'd be so much better off if you'd just give her up and only visit. Or don't. I don't care." He glared and walked to his car, got in, slammed the door and drove home in tears.
Why did shit have to be so hard? Why is it such a fucking issue to kiss Elise goodbye? These thoughts resided in Alex's head the entire drive home and the entire way up his stairs to get ready for Jack.

It wasn't easy. He felt his heart rate pick up again, and his breathing got faster and faster. He tried to focus through it, but halfway through with just his pants on, and still unbuttoned, he was dizzy. He sat down on his carpet and willed himself to not pass out, holding his temples, knees to his chest, trying so hard to stop the hyperventilating. This couldn't be happening right now. 'Don't pass out don't pass out don't pass out' He repeated to himself until his thoughts went away completely. Nothing held him here anymore. It was black again. He always passes out during a panic attack. It's like his brain just gives up. It only took five minutes of the panic attack to have him down and out. At least these panic attacks on his medications aren't nearly as severe as when he's not medicated. Those are awful. 
His phone ringing woke him up. 
Alex opened his eyes slowly with a pounding fucking headache. How long had he been out this time? He stood up, having to shut his eyes as he did so to avoid the wave of nausea he felt when he did, he was off balance and quite frankly felt like he was walking like a newborn baby deer.
Still, he reached his phone that was on his bed, "Hello?" He answered, not looking at who was calling.
"Alex? Are you okay?" It was Jack.
Alex swallowed hard, "Y-yeah I'm okay..." Lie. "Why?"
Jack sighed an audible sigh, "Because I've been outside knocking for like...Ten minutes?" 
Alex's eyes went wide. He was out for a little longer than ten minutes? Rarely did that happen.
"Fuck, Jack I'm so so sorry...I can explain just...Let me finish putting my pants on." He hung up and put his pants the rest of the way on, threw his socks and shoes on, then pulled his shirt up off the ground and over his head. He ran down the stairs and opened the door, "I'm so so sorry" was the first thing he said.
Jack stepped inside and looked around, then looked at Alex. 
"It's okay...Just, what happened? I was really scared for you." He put his hands in his pocket.
Alex sighed, "I had another stupid panic attack and I passed out for like. Ten minutes...Just hold on." He muttered, cheeks red, embarrassed.
Jack just nodded and watched as Alex walked into his kitchen and grabbed a pill bottle out of the cupboard. He felt bad when he saw Alex take the pill, then get another pill bottle out and down two of the red capsules that he recognized as advil.
Alex walked back over to him and sighed, "Sooo...Still wanna take the crazy one who needs meds to get through life?" He looked down at the ground.
Jack shook his head, "Alex, you have to stop degrading yourself. I hear you do it all the time. I mean I don't hang out with you and Rian, but I've walked by and heard yourself talk shit about yourself. So you need to stop. You're not crazy. To answer your question, yes. I do still wanna take you out. Meds and all." He smirked a little.
Alex smiled and grabbed his coat, "You're so dumb. Let's go." 
Jack rolled his eyes and walked out, watching Alex lock up.
"What's with the baby stuff in the living room?" Jack asked, just wondering as he unlocked his car, opening Alex's door.
Alex turned red and got in the car. He'd think of an answer in that short amount of time.
Jack got in and looked at Alex while he started the car, expecting an answer.
Alex looked out the window and thought.
Jack sighed and started driving.
"They're there for my little cousin." Alex muttered.
"You have a little cousin?" No.
Alex nodded, "Yeah." 
"Cool." Jack shrugged, he didn't fully believe the answer but whatever. He wasn't about to pry either. It seemed like Alex didn't want to answer.
"I was gonna take us to get coffee at this little place that I like, it's right by the water. If that's okay with you, and then I thought maybe we could see a movie, if you wanted to. There's a few good ones." Jack smiled a little.
Alex smiled back and nodded, "That sounds good. I like that idea a lot. Let's do it." 

They had their coffee, talking about school and their different friend groups, Alex talked about what his life was like as a kid when he lived in the UK, Jack told the story about how he was born in Lebanon, but his parents fled the war and that's how they got here. They laughed at each other's jokes and talked about their favorite bands and TV shows, movies and what not.

The movie was another thing.
About halfway through, Jack put his arm around Alex's shoulder. Alex leaned against Jack, cuddling into him with a content smile.
After a few minutes, he looked up at Jack, Jack looking right back at him.
Jack pressed his lips to Alex's, Alex parted his lips. Jack took the hint and slipped his tongue in, their lips now locked together, their tongues dancing around each other.
Alex pulled back after a minute, "You wanna go?" He smirked.
Rian was right. He couldn't go long without sex. Fuck his life. 
Jack nodded with a smile.
The minute they got into Alex's house, Jack had him pinned against the door, pressing hard kisses to his lips, trailing down his neck, biting and sucking.
Alex tilted his head back and let out a quiet moan.
"Upstairs. My dad is asleep." Alex pointed to a room down the hall. His parents had the downstairs room and office. Alex had the upstairs and the guest room.
"Take me to your bed, then." Jack licked his lips, staring at Alex and wanting more right now.
Alex took Jack's hand and dragged him up the stairs, shutting the door behind them the second they got into his room.  The bassinet was moved into the guest room. Alex hid it there every time Elise left, just in case he brought a guy home. Looks like that was a good choice tonight.
Alex stripped his shirt, Jack took his off shortly after. Alex took off his jeans, smirking when Jack did the same thing.
"Fuck you're hot." Alex said, biting his lip.
"Shut up and kiss me" Jack grabbed Alex again, basically throwing him onto his bed. Alex loved it rough. That was his favorite. 
Their lips met again, Alex was dragging his nails down Jack's back.
Jack leaned down and kissed Alex's neck, biting and sucking again, leaving big red and purple marks, Alex groaned quietly, "More" He whispered out.
"You like being bitten?" Jack asked, his lips against Alex's skin.
Alex nodded, "Y-yeah" He whispered, letting out another moan when Jack bit harder, making his way down Alex's chest. He stopped at Alex's waistband. 
"Can I?" He asked, looking up at Alex.
Alex nodded fast, "Please do." 
Jack smirked a little, pulled Alex's pants down, surprised at how big he was.
"Fuck you're fucking hot." He said again, taking Alex's dick in his mouth, sucking and moving his head up and down quickly, playing with his balls a little.
Alex arched his back and let out a loud moan that he quickly tried to muffle so his dad wouldn't hear.
Jack pulled up after a moment, "Condom? Lube?" He asked.
Alex reached in his bedside table drawer and tossed the bottle of lube and a condom to Jack.
"Prepared for anything, aren't you?" 
Alex nodded, "Never know when a hot guy is gonna come home and fuck you on a first date." He smiled.
Jack laughed, "True." He took his underwear off and gave Alex that same smirk that he always gives Alex, when he saw his eyes wide, "Fuck" Alex whispered. 
Jack rolled the condom onto himself, then lubed up his fingers, "Spread em pretty boy." He leaned down first, putting his head between Alex's legs, "Wha---" Alex was cut off by his own loud moan while Jack twirled his tongue around Alex's entrance. "Fuck" Alex whispered out again, "Ready?" Jack asked, looking up.
Alex nodded, "Please, fucking please Jack" He moaned and Jack wasn't even doing anything yet.
"You horny little shit." Jack put a finger in and curled it around Alex's prostate. Alex let out a little groan, moving his hips so Jack's finger went deeper, "More" Jack put another finger in and scissored a little, curling his fingers, Alex pressed himself down harder against Jack's fingers, trying to stifle his moans.
"I wanna hear you babyboy." Jack put another finger in so Alex wouldn't even know it was coming, Alex moaned Jack's name out loud.
"Jack fuck...Stop teasing me...Fuck me" Alex moaned out, head titled back, eyes closed.
Jack took his fingers out, smiling as Alex whimpered out at the lack of stimulation down there. He nearly reached his own hand down there, but didn't.
Jack lubed the condom up, grabbed Alex's legs and put them around his waist, holding them there. He centered himself and pushed in, little by little, "More...Fuck...More...Go..." Alex moaned out, "Jack...Fuck...More" 
Jack pushed himself all the way in, closing his eyes and taking in the way Alex just let out the loudest moan he ever heard in his life.
Oh well if his dad hears.
"Hard...Jack hard..." Alex begged, trying to move his hips down against Jack. 
Jack smirked, "You little whore. You like it rough?"
Alex whimpered, "Yessss..." He dragged out, then damn near let out a scream, but bit down on his arm instead when Jack thrusted into him hard, "Fuuuckkk...More, harder"
Jack did exactly what Alex said, going as hard as he possibly could with Alex just screaming his name along with a mass amount of curses.
"Close" Alex managed to get out.
Jack started jerking Alex off, letting out moans of his own, finally letting himself go inside the condom, while Alex released all over his own stomach and Jack's hand.
They rode out the high for a minute before Jack pulled out, pulled the condom off, tied it and tossed it in the bin near Alex's bed. 
Alex laid there covered in sweat and his own mess, panting.
"Fuck" He managed to get out.
Jack smirked, "This was one hell of a first date, Gaskarth."
Alex laughed, "Fuck off." He grabbed the tissues on his side table and cleaned his mess up.
"You seriously amaze me. You like it that rough that you liked when I called you a whore?" Jack raised an eyebrow.
Alex shrugged, "What can I say? I like it dirty, and I like being a submissive little bitch. Why? You wanna see me play with my toys next?" He winked.
Jack's eyes went wide, "You...Holy shit Alex." This boy fucking amazed him.
Alex smirked, "Maybe I'll show you sometime...If you want. Maybe I'll even think of you while I do it." 
Jack nearly got hard all over again, "You...Just. Wow. You're fucking incredible." He stared at the beautiful naked boy in front of him.
Alex grinned, "I know. You should go though, it's getting late, and maybe we didn't wake my dad up, but my mom will be home soon. I'll see you tomorrow though at school." He leaned in for a kiss, got up and put his clothes back on. Jack pulled his on and kissed Alex again. The pair walked downstairs and kissed again at the door.

Alex went back to his room, changed into sweatpants with no shirt, then called Rian while he flopped down on his bed.
"You didn't." Rian answered. 
Alex laughed, "I sure as fuck did. It was amazing. How did you know that's what I was calling you for?" He questioned. Was he really that bad?
"Because you go on a date and you sleep with them. You keeping Jack around though?" Rian asked, amusement in his voice.
Alex thought about it, "Yeah. I think I am. We had fun. Nothing was rushed. We got coffee and talked forever, then we saw a movie. Well. We saw half a movie. Then we came to my house and had...Fun." He laughed a little to himself.
"If you could see me, you'd know that I'm rolling my eyes at you. I am glad you had fun though, and I meant fun on the date. Not the other kind of fun. Well. I mean I guess congratulations on the other fun too. Anyway. Go to sleep you sicko." Rian hung up.
Alex laughed again and texted Jack.

Alex: Tell me when you get home

Jack: Already there, I don't live far.

Alex: Thank you

Jack: For what part? The date, or the part where I fucked your brains out?

Alex: Both. You are great in bed. Jesus christ.

Jack: I've been told.

Alex: Perv.

Jack: You're the one who likes to get almost like, beaten up and degraded in bed. Not that I mind. ;)

Alex: Yeah but you loved it.

Jack: I definitely did. See you tomorrow sexy lexi.

Alex: You are not calling me that!

Jack: Yes I am! Goodniiiiiight. *kissing emoji*

Alex rolled his eyes, plugged his phone in and went to sleep. He didn't even try to facetime Ellie tonight. He knew he'd be out late, and he knew that she wouldn't answer, not after the fight they just had. 

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