Chapter 11 (medium)

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Harper's POV

Its been about a day in a half sense Michael's been teaching me ways to use my powers and I have to say that Its pretty cool when he does it more than me.

"Okay Harper are you ready?" Michael asked.

"Oh yes I am!" I say getting out of my trance.

"okay extend your hand ontop of mine" he said and I did as I was told.

Okay so like yesterday, me and Michael wanted to see how much can we use our powers but together this time sense we have half of the same techniques.
I took a breath before we created a ball of smoke but it started to glow.

I took a breath before we created a ball of smoke but it started to glow

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

wow... I thought.

"uhh Harper your saying wow in your head but it not supposed to glow..." Michael said and I move my hand giving him a weird look.

"who told you to read my damn mind" I say

"I couldn't help it, but its not supposed to glow I swear..." He said and I sigh.

"how about we try the water thing again" I suggest.

I had sneaked in my backyard while Michael was sleeping and tried the water thing again and It was amazing on what I did that I had to show Michael.

"Okay, but this time just use the pool water could you do that?" he asked and I nod my head going towards the pool and closing my eyes taking another breath.

"Okay, but this time just use the pool water could you do that?" he asked and I nod my head going towards the pool and closing my eyes taking another breath

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Wow!" Michael said.

I made the water bigger without adding more water. Making it splash everywhere I fixed my coat sense it got cold out of nowhere and fixed my hair as Michael smiles a little bit, impressed on what I just did.

"yea I know, I sneaked out here last night when you were sleeping sense I couldn't sleep and did it without the regular water and It just created its self." I explained as Michael nodded his head.

~Secrets in the Shadows~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora