Chapter 3(Long)

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Michael's POV
I stare out the window of the attic and watch the sun rise before my eyes. I have to say that it's the most peaceful thing I've seen, I hear a thump coming from downstairs so I quickly get out the attic and go to the kitchen where I see Harper holding ice while she sleeps. I look at her for a second and wonder why is she holding ice that is melting. I look through her mind and see that it was dark and her hands were burning. I exit her mind as she starts to wake up and I take the ice and put it in the freezer and take her to the couch.
"Mmm" she moans in her sleep and pushes me off of her. I almost fall but gain my balance.
"Harper?" I shake her. She and moves around. Maybe she is developing the fire trait. I thought to my self as I look at her red hands. I look at her and she opens her eyes and sits up moving her hair off of her face.
"Why did you wake me?" She said and I look at her with a straight face.
"Uhh, I heard a thump from my room and I wanted to know if you were okay until I saw you hold a bag of ice on the floor sleeping" I said rubbing my hands through my hair.
"I felt you in here" she pointed at her head and stretched her arms.
"My hands, uhh they were on fire" Harper said, and looked at her hands. I look at her and she looks at me.
"Like burning on fire or on fire on fire?" I ask and she looks at me like I'm dumb.
"On fire on fire" she said and I nod my head.
"I didn't burn anything luckily but I needed to cool down so I grabbed a big bag of ice." Harper said and shrugged her shoulders and held her hands out.
"I am lucky that I know that I can control it" she said and opened her palm letting the fire come out of her hands.

"I am lucky that I know that I can control it" she said and opened her palm letting the fire come out of her hands

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I look at her hands amazed as Harper let's the fire smoke out of her hands.
"What time is it Michael?" She asked
"6:20am" I said looking at the time on my watch. Harper sighs tiredly and puts her head on my lap. She must be very tired from waking up in the middle of the night. I play with her long hair and she smiled closing her eyes. I smile and blush at how beautiful she has grown to be. I carefully place her properly on the couch with a blanket and go up to my room and freshen myself up with a shower and clean cloths to wear.
After that I go back down stairs and start to cook something. I am lucky that I took a professional cooking class a few years back whenever I have to cook for my self. My throat starts to get dry as blood comes to my mind again, I look at Harper who is still sleeping as I go up to the attic where I had a fridge to keep the blood I collected fresh and drank out of it. I sighed and went back downstairs. I know I can't keep up with this secret. I thought to my self as I continued to cook something.
Harper's POV
I wake up to a fresh smell of breakfast as I sit up and stretch my arms.
"Morning again" Michael chuckles
"Haha, morning" I smile. I go up the stairs and brush my teeth then go back down stairs to have some to eat.
"Umm my and Hailey wanted to go shopping this afternoon..." I said eating some eggs, as Michael cleans his plate.
"And I was wonder if you could come because this place can get boring alone." I ask shyly.
"I'll come" He said and I smiled.
"Really!" I said accidentally knocking over my juice.
"Yea of course" Michael laughed as I cleaned the juice, I giggled at my excitement and poor a cup of water instead.
"Sense this place is pretty big I'll come anyway because I'm supposed to." He said and I nodded.
"Wait...your suppose to come anyway?" I ask and he nods.
"Susie says she wants me to just follow you when you want to go places, just in case something goes wrong and I'm too far away" He said and put my plate in the dishwasher.
"Oh well, your about to experience me with all the fun!" I smile evilly and snap my fingers teleporting a water gun in my hand.
"Two can play at that game!" Michael teleports a bigger water gun in his hand as we run out side squirting each other and having fun.
A little later
After our fun water gun fight we came back inside and dried ourselves up. After that I got a call from Hailey.
"Hey girl what's up?" I say.
"Hey Harper, I will not be able to go shopping at noon because my parents are having this party and they want me home by 2 so how about we go shopping now?" Hailey asked and I smiled
"Sure girl I don't mind!" I said.
"Great, I'll be eating outside my house"
"Okay be there in 30 minutes" I say and hang up the phone.
"Michael sense I don't feel like driving. How about you take me and Hailey to the mall?" I said giving him puppy eyes.
"Okay, I'll get the car started" Michael said and chuckled grabbing his keys. I run up stairs and in my room taking a quick shower.
After I got out the shower I leave my hair down put on a regular day outfit and run outside locking the door.
Jumping in the back seat of Michael's car I take a breath for a minute and give his the address.
"That took 6 seconds and your little of breath?" Michael laughed and I sigh and chuckle. Was I really that fast?. I thought to my self as we started to drive to Hailey's house.
A few minutes later
I texted Hailey that I'll be in the in the back seat of a black car.
As we pull up I wave at Hailey as she gets in the back seat. She looks at Michael and looks at me with a shocked face. Reading her mind was obvious,
"Damnnn he fine!!" She mouths to me and I laughed silently.
"So... what mall are we going to again?" Michael ask and Hailey dies putting her hand on her mouth.
"The one that we always go to get our cloths" I say and he groans.
"You know what I meant" he said and laughed. Hailey squeals in her head as I try to figure out what mall we were going to. I put the address in and he followed it sense I didn't know what it was called.
"What's your name?" Hailey says and Michael smiled at her. Harper how about you tell her I'm driving. He used he little mind trick in my head.
"His name is Michael" I said rolling my eyes. I'm getting you back for that!. He looks at me with challenging eyes as I start a conversation with Hailey.
At the mall
We park at the mall as I get out in the hot sun.
"Damn it's hot out here!" Hailey says and I burst out laughing.
"You can say that again" Michael said drinking a cold bottle of water.
"How did..."I said and he smirks at me.
"Let's go inside before I burn like a toaster oven" Hailey said as we walked inside the jugs mall.
"Your lucky I brought my credit card" I said holding on to my mini purse that carried my phone and credit card.
As we walk around a few stores I bought some new cloths and a few new shoes sense I really needed some and bought some. My friend was buying some things to, she said she needed something for the party so me and Michael helped her with that.
"This dress looks good not the party Hailey" I said as she twirls a little.
"Yea, It fits your body perfectly" Michael said and Hailey blushed a little, and Michael smiled back a little.
"Okay I'll get this one" Hailey said and went back in the dressing room to get the dress off.
After Hailey got the dress we went dropped her off after a long day of shopping and went back to the house.
"Ughh this is why I'll never shop with girls again!" Michael yelled and threw himself on the big couch and groaned. I stayed quiet laughing to my self and grabbed some water from the fridge and just looked at him.
"Staring at me is not helping" he said and kept his eyes closed.
"Such a baby" I said and walked to my room closing the door a little and sit in the in the corner playing with my laptop. I turn it on and play some games.
A few hours later
Michael's POV
I woke up from resting on the couch and stretched. I looked around and heard nothing but a game coming from Harper's room. I look at the tome that read 3:20pm. I was sleeping for that long? I question my self as walk up the stairs.
"Harper?" I said and knocked on her door a little and walked in.
"Hello sleepyhead, how was your sleep?" She teased and I chuckled.
"Oh it was great thank you very much." I mocked.
"We're you up here all day?" I ask
"Yes, because I wanted to play a game on my laptop and sense you were sleeping I did a little something..." Harper said and pointed at my pants.
"My pants are wet so wha-" I stopped mid-sentence
"YOU MADE ME PEE MH PANTS!" I scream and Harper bursted out laughing.
"All I needed was hot water and your hand" She said and laughed mimicking my face expression.
"Your so gonna get it" I said and help a ball of Ice in my hand, throwing it up in the air and catching it. As soon as I threw it Harper teleported our of the room.
"Hehehehe" I heard and turned around and saw her behind me.
"didn't know I could do that did you!" She said and ran as I chased her.
"How about we go to the forest?" Harper said.
"What?" I said
"I know a forest that we can go to and camp" she said.
"and when do you plan on going camping young lady" I smirked and she grabbed my shoulder and teleported to a forest with a lake and supplies.
"Right now!" She said and sat down.
"Where the heck are we?!" I said
"The hidden leaf forest" she said
There is no such thing as the hidden leaf forest I just got them off of Naruto.
"WHAT!" I said as I heard my echoes.
"Oh come it's only till tomorrow night" Harper said and started a fire and smirked at me as I still have my confused look but I just sat back and realized that I'll need blood soon. I curse underneath my breath and sigh. I do know how to teleported but we're in the middle of nowhere.
Harper's POV
Michael has no clue that I'm playing a mind trick on him. You see, while he was sleeping on the couch I put my self in his mind. My physical body is still on my bed and Michael's body is on the couch, I just made his wake up in his dream while he was dreaming, HAHAHAHA this is going to me fun.
A few minutes later Michael was sitting with his eyes looking up at the sky as I went to get some more wood to make the dream seem more realistic, but Ik sooner or later Michael is going to find out because I'm running out of energy physically, I tried my hardest not to let it show which was working so far, but I know he is smart so it shouldn't take long for him to find out.
Michael's POV
Why do I feel like Harper is playing some type of trick on me, like she has been quiet for some type of reason locked in her mind, I tried to read what she was thinking but nothing is working. Okay something is up! Because I know that we can't be stuck in the middle of a damn forest!
I sit up after looking around for Harper seeing if she was near me, but she wasn't, I heard a noise behind me and I turn around seeing Harper walking slowly towards me.
"Hello" she said quickly and sat down taking a deep breath. I look at her for a slight second and she starts to smile a little, bit wait that's no ordinary smile. It was evil.
"You've been playing with my mind!" I yell and she automatically started laughing.
"I've been here for HOURS And I finally realize this!" I said as Harper continued to laugh and touched my hand and teleported somewhere.
I wake up on the couch and looked at the time. 3:09 oh great. I heard a thud upstairs and I quickly went up there.
"Ow!" I heard Harper say.
"Ha you just hurt your self after playing with my mind while I was sleeping" o said and chuckled.
"I knew you would figure out, I was just worried that you wouldn't because I drained my energy out." She said and lates on her bed yawning.
"Her rest then, I'm going to get some ingredients for lunch and dinner" I said and Harper nodded turning her light off and I shut the door and grabbed my keys locking the door behind me.
At the store
While I was getting things at the store I wonder who taught Harper to mess with others minds I was on the phone with TJ to see how everyone is.
"Yea everyone is doing fine except for Jack..." he said and I stopped walking.
"Jack?" I said, I feel very heavy.
"Sir are you okay?" The lady that was cashing my things said and I nodded my head.
"Michael... Jack is about to die..." I hear TJ sniff through the phone.
"Oh my gosh, I'm coming over!" I said and hung up the phone.
After I got the bags I hurt to put them back in Harper's place and teleported to Ann's. Shit Harper followed me.
"Michael what's going on?" Harper said
"How did you follow me!" I said before opening the door to Ann's. Harper came in and stopped starring at the stairs. The she got tears in her eyes.
She went to the room where Jack was at and Gasps.
"Oh my gosh!" I said
"What is Harper doing here?!" TJ whisper yells.
"I- followed him." She said and started crying, I looked at Jack's almost dead body but luckily he was in his human form but I saw it fading slowly.
"W-What is happening?" Harper said and looked at her hands.
"whoa!" I said and backed up, she was on fire, but it was blue.

Was she possessed? Was the first thing that came to my mind put it was beautiful, she still had tears in her eyes as she looked at Jack and touched his arm, suddenly Jack's body started to look normal again and I looked at Ann and TJ who were so s...

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Was she possessed? Was the first thing that came to my mind put it was beautiful, she still had tears in her eyes as she looked at Jack and touched his arm, suddenly Jack's body started to look normal again and I looked at Ann and TJ who were so shocked that they couldn't move.
The next minute Harper falls backward a little bit I caught her on time, we looked at Jack and he sat up and woke up rubbing his eyes.
"What happened?" He said and we all sighed in relief, Jack looked at Harper and looked at us.
"What is Harper doing here she should be at her house." Jack said
"You almost died..." I said and helped Harper off the ground.
"When I was at the store I heard the news and came over here unaware that she followed me" I said and he sighed.
"I didn't want to see you die... I- I- turned blue and I thought it wouldn't hurt you so I touched you and, and-" Jack cut her off.
"What exactly happened?"
"Her whole body was covered in blue flames of some type of fire" Ann said.
"Do you know what that is?" TJ said looking at Harper and she shook her head no.
"It's called -Blue Healer-" Jack said.
"It's like blue fire but instead of hurting people is heals then instead, along with animals and other living things" Jack said.
"So I can heal people now?" Harper said and we all nodded our heads, and she blushed a little because of my grip on her waist.
"I'm glad I saved you, but I don't want to see you like this again" Harper said.
"What do you mean?" Jack said.
"When I was resting I had a dream about this same situation, and when I woke up I was behind Michael, as he rushed in here." She said.
"I didn't know how strong my senses were when I was dreaming but it felt scary. Almost like I was falling down from the sky into the deepest parts of the ocean" Harper said and sighed.
"Ann can I talk to you alone" Jack said and she nodded as TJ, Harper and me left the room and went down stairs. Ann and Jackson were a married for about 328 years and never got in one argument, but I would say that today was one of those days where Jack starts yelling out of no where.
"I think I should go..." Harper said.
"I'll come with you" I said as I waved TJ goodbye and teleported to Harper's house.
"I'll be outside" Harper said and ran outside shitting the door behind her. I look and see there was a very small mini house in their back yard.

 I look and see there was a very small mini house in their back yard

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I see Harper go in it and close the door all the way. I'm not going to bother her. I thought and made some lunch and decided what to make for dinner afterwards....

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