Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon!

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(Y/N) P.O.V

(Y/n): hmm this is werid.

I was in what I was told a Bullhead with all of the other people trying to get into Beacon Luckily I had a bootle of medicine for my motion sickness since this isn't alive. I was just reading a template that Ozpin gave me talking about these monsters called Grimm. Then all sudden I hear a loud female voice.

???: Oh I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me!

???: Please stop

(Y/N) mind: Wait one second I heard that second voice before.

I look up to see that girl Ruby and a another girl with blonde hair linc eyes, and wearing a brown jacket thing or whatever.

Blonde: But I'm so proud of you!

Ruby: Really sis it was nothing.

Blonde: What are you talking about it was incredible! Everyone is gonna think your the bees knees!

Ruby: But I don't want to be the "bees knees" I don't what to have have any kind of "knees" I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees.

Blonde: What's with you aren't you excited?

Ruby: of course I am excited I was just moved head two years I don't want people to think I'm special or an-

(Y/N): You know you can't always have people think of you a certain way, but doesn't me that should stop you.

Ruby then turns around to see me standing there still reading the template.

Ruby: Hey it's you from that night! Umm it was (Y/N) right?

(Y/N): It is indeed and I believe you are Ruby if I was not mistaken.

Ruby: Nope!

Blonde: Ruby you didn't tell me you had such a cute friend~

I then turn my head to face the blonde girl.

(Y/N): Well you see I met Ruby when she threw a man outside a window so I decided to give her a little help, but I don't think I caught your name.

Yang: I'm Yang Ruby's older sister, and thanks for making sure Ruby was ok!

I sniff the air then I can tell these two are indeed sisters, but they seem nothing alike I guessing half sisters.

(Y/N): half?

They noded

Timeskip Yangs P.O.V

Well when we were on the bullhead I couldn't help but realize that I kept looking at (Y/N), and I got to say he seems mostly chilled. He also was nice enough to give me a rag to clean off some vomit from vomit boy. We were now outside the bullhead and Ruby was everywhere looking at people's weapons.

(Y/N): Chill out Ruby they are just weapons.

Ruby then looked shocked and hurt at what he said.

Ruby: Just weapons?! They are an extension of ourselves! They are so cool?

(Y/N): Don't you have a big ass scythe or something?

Ruby: LANGUAGE (Y/N)!!! And I love crescent Rose but I just like seeing news ones it's like meeting new people.

(Y/N): Well first off I can say what I want to say it's my right and freedom to speak words, and second Yang think we should break her shell?

I smirked and nodded at him while Ruby looks shocked and betrayed.

Yang: Oh look my friends are here now so we got to go come on (Y-

I went to grab him, but he's already gone. I look around to see no sign of him so I decide to just leave without him.

Timeskip (Y/N) P.O.V

Right now I was in the Ballroom in some shorts and a t-shirt. I was in a Connor alone just reading a template about this Schnee company for dust until I look up to see Ruby and Yang with a girl in white and a girl in black with a bow.

I then get up and walk over to them

(Y/N): Can you guys shut up or at least try to turn it down some of us like sleep you know.

Ruby: Guys Weiss and (Y/N) are right.

Weiss: So now you are on my-

(Y/N): Ok shut up you. Look I don't care what this is about I don't care if it was the end of the word, but I would like to fucking sleep, and I will not hesitate to throw someone out a window ok?

The girls look pretty shock at what I said so I was about to leave but then I sniff the air then look at the girl with the bow for a sec then I realized she is one of those faunus people I then make it so she sees me looking at the bow then I think she realized that I knew. She looks a bit afraid, but than I smile at her letting her know her secret is safe and then she sighs in relief.
I was walking away towards my sleeping bag but then I think I caught Yang looking a bit mad I wonder why welp I am gonna sleep now. I then go in my sleeping bag and shut my eyes.


Everyone was in the Forest thing doing our umm exam? Test? This world is weird. I had my relic which Ozpin told me he had one for me pacifically assigned to me in secret and as I walking I see Ruby on a cliff with a dead big ass bird which I now know it is called Nevermore. I then see a Ursa sneaking up on Ruby and everyone was yelling at her but the ursa was already there and it was about to hit Ruby, but I ran up the wall of the cliff and then to the Ursa and went for a kick.


The Ursa was sent flying and in mid air it bursted into pieces Everyone was shock to my speed and strength I just demonstrated.

(Y/N): Well that was close welp cya!

Ruby was about to say something, but I was already gone.


Everyone just had gotten there teams except me, and as I looked around I saw Yang looking at me a bit sad.

Ozpin: (Y/N) (L/N) come up please!

I walk up and stood right next to him

Ozpin: Mr (L/N) you have returned with a chest piece, but had no partner nor did anyone grab the same piece as you normally we would kick you out but after seeing this.

A screen shows me running up the cliff and killing the Ursa with one kick.

Ozpin: You have show us that you are really a true Huntsmen in training and so with that being said (Y/N) (L/N) will be the first Solo team in beacon!

I smiled and everyone one cheering and I see Yang looking a lot more happier for some unknown reaso-


I looked around to see no one and thought meh probably is nothing important. As I was walking to my dorm I hear someone.

???: HEY (Y/N)!

I turn around and get engulfed in a hug which is now revealed to be Yang with her sister and teammates behind her.

(Y/N): hey guys, and Yang can you let go you are kinda crushing me a little?

Yang then let's go quickly, and has a little bit of red on her cheeks. Is she sick or something?


Yang: Congratulations on passing! Welcome to Beacon!

(Y/N): uhhh thanks you too.

I then walk away into my dorm which little did I know was right next to team RWBY.

(Y/N): Maybe this place isn't so bad.


RWBY Yang x Fairy Tail Male readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant