At Last

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"No. Just," Air pursed her lips and huffed. "No."

"Too late, Air," Sarawat drawled, thrusting a sheaf of documents at her. "We've already filed everything. GMM Grammy approved it too."

"You can't name the label CTRL+A(ir)!" Air screeched. "Why would you even name it after me?!"

"Read the papers and find out," Mil interjected. Air frowned and took the offered folder, flipping through the contents. "What...?"

"I guess we should start calling you CEO now." Earn teased, plopping down next to a shell-shocked Air on the couch.

"Or President Air," Pear added. "We can't keep calling you P'Air if you're going to be our boss."

"And we've uploaded it on IG, so there will definitely be no take backs." Earn said with a grin, showing her the post on the official account. "The response is pretty crazy."

Air grabbed the phone from Earn and started scrolling through the comments, eyebrows scrunched up together. "They can't all be good..."

"You do know you have your own fanclub, right?" Sarawat asked, giving the top of her head a pat. "And who else would we pick other than the one person who's been with us since day one? If we named this band CTRL+S because we wanted to save our music in everyone's hearts, then it would be fitting to name the company CTRL+A(ir) because of how you've always taken care of all of us, never leaving anyone behind."

"Even when we're being idiots," Mil added quietly, placing his hand on top of Sarawat's on Air's head. "We wouldn't be here without you, P'Air."

If Air started crying then and there, only she and the band would know, of course.


"That was a really sweet thing for them to do." Green commented, looking at Tine over the rim of his coffee mug. "But seriously who else would they have chosen? Air is perfect for the job."

Tine smiled in agreement. "There's no one better who would put the band and the music first over the money."

"Plus, she's the only one who can reign in those four brats," a voice drawled from the doorway.

Tine and Green looked up at Dim who had entered the break room with a box of what looked like cake.

"P'Dim!" Tine greeted their boss with a wai. "I thought you had a meeting this afternoon?"

Dim nodded, taking a seat on the arm of Green's chair and giving his cheek a kiss. "I did. We finished early."

"What was it about?" Green asked. He put his mug down on the table and started poking at the box. "Is this for us?"

"It's for Tine."

Tine looked confused. "Me?" he asked, pointing a finger at himself.

Dim nodded, slinging an arm around Green's shoulder with a small smile. "Go ahead. Open it."

"Alright..." Tine said uneasily. He took one end of the ribbon and gave it a firm tug.

Tine Teepakorn, Attorney at Law, Junior Associate

"Congratulations, Tine. You passed the bar exam."

Tine's mouth dropped open and he nearly dropped the cover on top of the cake. With eyes as wide as saucers, he looked at Dim and asked quietly, "Junior Associate?"

Dim shrugged one shoulder and replied, "It was a pretty easy decision. All the partners agreed during the meeting."

"The meeting was about me?!"

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