Double Release

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A/N: I'M ALIVE Y'ALL. I DIDN'T DIE BUT MY MUSE DID. Thank you for waiting for this chapter!


"I can't believe you two got engaged right after Phukong and Mil did," Type commented, holding Tine's hand in his own and staring at the ring on his finger. It was a white gold band encrusted with diamonds.

"Beware, P'Type. Man might spring the question on you anytime now." Tine teased, a faint blush on his face. "These things come in threes, you know."

Type rolled his eyes and let go of his brother's hand. "If I know Man, he'll probably psyche himself out too much to actually propose. Or we might elope. Who knows. It's 2020, anything can happen."

"I'll hold you to that." Tine replied, eyes twinkling softly as he recalled his and Man's last conversation.

Sarawat's best friend was asking Tine about civil unions for same-sex couples in Thailand.

(The very same conversation Tine had with Phukong and Mil separately last month.)

(Yes, Tine knows all.)

(And Dim is too much of a blabbermouth to even consider asking him in the first place.)


A week later

It was two in the morning and Tine was having a really good dream about him and Sarawat on vacation in Phuket, lounging on the beach, sipping cocktails, outdoing each other in watersports...when his phone started ringing shrilly, breaking the silence in their bedroom.

Tine groaned grumpily, cracking an eye open to stare at the clock on the nightstand. Who the fuck is calling at 2 AM? They better be dying or something. He rolled over and away from his comfortable position tucked against Sarawat's chest, who mumbled in his sleep at the sudden lack of Tine in his arms.

Tine smiled at the furrow forming in between the guitarist's eyebrows then turned and grabbed his phone. He was confused at Type's name flashing on the screen. Why was he calling this early?

Tine slid his finger across the screen to answer the call. "Hello, P? Are you okay?"

There was heavy breathing on the other side. Tine felt cold.

"P? What's wrong? Say something; you're scaring me."

"Man fucking asked to elope with me!"

Tine felt the cold leave his body as he let out a snort. He sat up fully; he had been expecting this call. Right on schedule. "I told you, P. Man was bound to surprise you one of these days."

"What do I do?" Tine could practically hear Type panicking over the phone. He imagined his older brother running a hand over his face and through his hair, his right eye probably twitching in stress. Tine laughed.

"Don't laugh at me, Tine!"

As Tine sighed and opened his mouth to tell his brother to chill the fuck out, he felt Sarawat hug him from behind, a pair of arms encircling his waist and his hips bracketing Tine's.

"What's up?" Sarawat mumbled sleepily against his neck, eyes still closed and breaths heavy.

"Hold on a sec, P'." Tine covered the mouthpiece with his other hand. "It's P'Type."

Sarawat opened his eyes sleepily. "Oh, did Man finally propose?"

Tine nodded as he uncovered his phone. "P'Type. You love Man. He loves you. Go get married. Call me in the morning and I can set up a post-wedding lunch. On one condition."

2gether AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora