Psycho Ex

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The local police precinct was pretty empty at this time of day, slow mornings being the norm during weekends in Bangkok. Sarawat was sitting in the chief's room, cap off, face mask on, as Dim sat in the chair opposite him. Tine was outside with Green, glancing every now and then through the glass door of the office to check on Sarawat, who remained silent the entire drive over.

"Do you want to see her?" Dim asked finally, after half an hour of silence.

With a shuddering breath, Sarawat practically ripped off his mask and buried his face in his hands. "No," he mumbled. "It's what she wants. To see me. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction."

"Good choice." Dim said softly, walking over to Sarawat and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I've talked to the police. It's a pretty clear case of arson on-top of Pam breaking the restraining order."

Sarawat nodded almost imperceptibly, lifting a hand and squeezing Dim's in gratitude. "Thank you. I honestly don't know what I would've done without you."

"I'm your lawyer, Ai'Wat, but I'm also your friend."

Sarawat sat up and gave Dim a small smile. "Thank you for being both."

There was a little bit of a commotion outside, causing the two men to look out the glass window along one wall of the office.

"That's Pam," Dim said, watching as the officers held a woman by both arms as she struggled to get free. Her hair was in a loose ponytail, her face and clothes streaked with soot, and a look of cold fury on her face.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!" She shrieked, continuing to fight back, kicking out her legs and trying to jab her elbows into the officers.

"You must be a psycho, lady," one of them said to her. "We found you at the scene, with the accelerant, about to be burnt to a crisp. You're going to jail whether you like it or not."

Tine and Green were watching as Pam was practically dragged away in front of them.

"No!" Pam wailed loudly, crazed eyes looking around the station. "I just wanted to see Sarawat! Where is he?! I want to see my boyfriend!"

Green coughed, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Pam a glare. "He's not your boyfriend, you lunatic!"

"Green," Tine warned softly from behind him, grabbing his elbow firmly. "Don't engage."

Pam suddenly lurched forward at Tine's voice, face becoming slack as she stopped resisting. "Tine?" Her voice was eerily calm. "Is that you?"

Tine remained silent. He really didn't know what to say to this woman he hadn't seen in years. All his memories of her were tied with unpleasant experiences from the day she transferred. She only stopped being mean to him when she and Sarawat started dating sometime during their third year in university, and even then she always had this angry look on her face when she looked at Tine. He would never admit it, but every wisecrack and comment she made about his looks, his lack of musical talent, and sometimes even his academic aptitude was one of the reasons he always felt insecure in school and even until today.

"How does it feel being a homewrecker?" Pam asked, staring at him.

Tine felt taken aback, but also, not surprised at the sheer lunacy of Pam's question. "Excuse me?"

"How does it feel knowing that you finally managed to break Wat and I up?"

A vein throbbed on Tine's forehead. "You know what?" he said, letting go of Green's arm and taking a small step forward. "You are crazy. When will you get in through your thick skull that you and Sarawat aren't together?"

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