Balancing Act

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It was another week before Sarawat managed to get a free night to talk to Tine in person, both of them being swamped by schedules and meetings. Sarawat was all but ready to snap at Air to give him a free day yesterday after a rather harrowing shoot with a pushy photographer, but he remembered the shitshow that was going down (that he and Tine caused, though unintentionally) and thought better of it.

"You're free to go, lover boy." Air said finally, once the taping was done. It was still pretty early in the day for them, only a little bit after six in the evening after their last schedule, a stint on Talk with Toey. "I heard from a little birdy that Tine is stuck in the office all night because of our case against Mil."

"Did they find anything?" Earn asked, walking towards them dressed down in sweats, her face clean of any make-up.

Air nodded, looking around before answering. "Yeah. We got Ohm to pull conversations from his LINE, legally, don't look at me like that, they got a warrant and everything," Air said under her breath, "and they found that he had hired this sketchy company to bug the recording studio. That's how he managed to come up with raw files for the songs that Sarawat had written and produced for your album."

Sarawat shook his head in disbelief. "After everything he did to Phukong..." He sighed. "We loved him like a brother and in the end it was all about the money for him."

Air frowned. "There's something else they found too, but Dim won't tell me yet. He set up a meeting for this Sunday. I cleared all your schedules for that day so don't be late. Especially you, Pear."

Pear smiled innocently. "Yes, boss! I'll hitch a ride with Earn."

Earn nodded, smiling shyly at the other girl.

"I'll see you guys on Sunday then," Sarawat said finally, waving at the three girls and heading for his car.


The building was creepy at night; most of the offices were closed with their lights turned off. Sarawat shivered unconsciously as he quickened his pace towards the conference room where Tine was working. He held a paper bag of takeout in one hand and his phone in the other as he walked.


Sarawat pushed open the doors to the conference room and spotted Tine snoring softly, asleep in the most uncomfortable looking position on one of the swivel chairs. Sarawat smiled to himself and set the food he was carrying on the table, approaching the sleeping man quietly and gently shaking his shoulder.

Tine grumbled before shrugging off Sarawat's arm. "Five more minutes, Phuak."

"Tine, it's me."

With a start, Tine shot up in his seat, eyes blearily trying to focus on Sarawat as he woke up from a rather pleasant dream about their group of friends back in college for a Scrubb concert. "'Wat?" He mumbled, trying to clear his sleep-addled brain.

The smile that Sarawat sent him was one so damn soft that Tine immediately grabbed his phone, and with a swift fingerprint unlock, opened it and took a picture of Sarawat's face. Tine smiled, still out of it, as he stared the picture he took. The FC was going to die after seeing this... Tine's eyes widened as he heard Sarawat snort from beside him.


Tine was fucking mortified. "Uh, I can explain?"

"It's fine." Sarawat shook his head with a smile and pulled a chair up next to Tine, taking his bag of take-out along the way and bringing out the dishes he had messengered over to the shoot earlier. "Eat. You like death warmed over."

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