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Tine yawned loudly as he rode the mostly empty elevator up to his department, head aching from the all-nighter he had pulled with his workmates-slash-friends the day before. He rubbed his forehead and groaned quietly, hoping the man decked in an all-black ensemble plus a cap and sunglasses wouldn’t think he was weird.

As the digital numbers on the elevator wall climbed higher and higher, Tine was broken out of his reverie by the vibration of his phone in his pocket. It was a message from Green.

Where are you? Big Boss is here.

The elevator pinged and the doors slid open. Tine walked out quickly, one hand typing rapidly on the screen of his phone as he made a beeline for his cubicle.

I just got out of the elevator. Stall for me!

Suddenly, Tine tripped and his phone went flying out of his hand. The paralegal was close to face planting on the ground when he felt two arms wrap around his waist and pull him back up.

“Are you okay?”

Tine felt his heart thump loudly in his chest. “Fuck, that was close.” He turned around and gave his rescuer a big smile. “Thanks, man. Sorry for bothering you.” Said rescuer was the other person in the elevator, sans cap and sunglasses but wearing a black face mask. He looked familiar.

Tine narrowed his eyes. Isn’t he…

“I’ll get going,” The man mumbled quickly, walking away and heading for the conference room around the corner.

Tine sighed and leaned over, picking up his fallen phone. What a weirdo.


“Sorry I’m late, sir!” Tine said, rushing into the room, laptop and briefcase in hand.

The room went quiet at his entrance. His boss, Dim, who was sitting at the head of the table talking to a familiar looking woman, waved Tine over. Tine came closer and set his things down by the projector, setting up his laptop while trying to get a look at the firm’s new clients.


Air faced Tine with a smile, her youthful appearance enhanced by her glowing cheeks and sparkly eye make-up. “Tine! Hi!”

“What are you doing here, P’?”

Air pouted. “We’re here on official business, sadly.”


Dim cleared his throat. Tine blushed and continued setting up. “Sorry, sir.”

“Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted,” Dim said, looking pointedly at Tine before drawing his gaze back to Air, “We’ll take your case. I had Tine draw up some preliminary contracts you can look over and the NDA you requested.” Dim reached out with his hand.

Tine opened his briefcase and took out two folders. “Here you go.” He handed Dim and Air a copy each. “I can e-mail you soft copies if you need them.” Dim and Air started leafing through the papers.

“I’d like a copy.”

Tine peeked over Air’s shoulder and saw a man sitting on the leather couch, his face devoid of any covering. Isn’t he the guy from the elevator?  Suddenly, Tine’s eyes widened in recognition.


“Hello, Tine.”

Tine slapped a hand over his mouth. This is so embarrassing!

The leader singer and guitarist of CTRL + S, known mononymously as Sarawat, had been embroiled in a scandal over the past week with their ex-bassist. Air was up in arms over the whole ordeal, with Mil demanding half of the royalties from their latest album and their last three singles after his exit from the group.

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