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Belatedly, Tine thought that sleeping over and making out with Sarawat was going to have bad consequences. Especially if he was photographed walking out of Sarawat's building wearing the same clothes from last night by (truly) rabid fangirls. It was the paparazzi's field day. Not to mention the close-ups of the giant hickey the CTRL + S member had left on Tine's neck that were circulating rapidly on Twitter.

Tine wanted to die, the drama queen that he was.

It was a good thing that none of the other admins of the CTRL + S fanclub knew what he looked like, only that he was a dude in his late-twenties who went to school with most of the band members. Of course, it probably wouldn't take long for them to put two and two together but that was a problem for another day.

"You're going to have to go out in a cap and sunglasses now."

Tine glared at Green, who was sitting on the edge of his small table, nursing a cup of iced coffee in his hands. The perky man smiled back and tilted said cup towards Tine. "Want a sip?"

"Get off my desk before I push you."

Green grinned and gave Tine's head a pat. "You're not exactly frightening, Tine."

Tine let out a breath and sank further into his chair. He spun around, wishing that he could time travel and just take that night back. He thought of the softness of Sarawat's lips and the warm grip he had on Tine's hips and neck...and Tine suddenly felt his heart clench. Who was he kidding?

"...I would totally do it all over again." He whined; eyes fluttering closed as his cheeks tinted red.

He heard Green laugh and get off his desk. "Yes, you would."

"Dim is going to go ape-shit." Tine said fearfully, sitting up straight and running his hands through his hair. "The last time Fong tried to date a client Dim threatened to send him to the mail room until we took our bar exam."

"Tine, Fong was trying to date our client who was going through a divorce."

Tine sighed. "He's still going to kill me."

Green's eyes twinkled mischievously. "I wouldn't say that."

Tine was suspicious. "What do you mean? What do you know that I don't?"

Green laughed again and sauntered off, leaving Tine to stew in his own thoughts. "You guys are up to something!" He hollered, crossing his arms petulantly.

He picked up his phone again, which was buzzing on his desk from the Twitter alerts he had turned on for anything CTRL + S and Sarawat related.

@BKK_cuteboy Bad Boy Guitarist of CTRL + S...finding new love? A cutie, if we do say so ourselves! (attached was the photo of Tine, top two buttons of his shirt undone, hickey bared for all the world to see)

@sarawatsREALwife wasn't he dating pam? who tf is this guy?

@ctrlSOT3 he looks really familiar!

@ctrlSOT4ever isn't he that guy from @man_maman's post on IG? (also @ctrlSOT3, CTRL + S has FOUR MEMBERS, fight me!)

@earnXpearBIASED @ctrlSOT4ever how do you know that's him? that picture only showed the back of his head...

@CTRL+S_officialFC Sarawat will be posting an official statement. Stay tuned.

Tine sighed and put the phone down, wondering when his life got so complicated.


Sarawat looked very cute dressed in an oversize hoodie and beanie, ripped jeans showing off his knees and the side of one thigh. He had asked Tine to meet him in a non-descript café, somewhat seedy-looking (and totally Sarawat's aesthetic) but tucked into a small alley near Dim's law firm. Tine had come after his workday was done, blazer off, shirt untucked and sleeves rolled up. His hair was messy, bangs falling into his eyes from repeatedly running his hands through it.

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