Drunken Kisses

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"Tine! Green!"

Tine looked up from his glass of beer and smiled as Pear greeted them, her slim arms wrapping around Tine's neck as she gave him a hug. "I missed you guys!" Pear looked like she hadn't aged a day since college, dressed in a floral-print dress and white sneakers, a warm smile on her face as she turned towards Green.

Green gave her air kisses on both cheeks with an equally wide grin. "We missed you too! Look at you now, hot shot guitar player for a band!"

Pear blushed and waved off the compliment. "Only on acoustic though!" She bit her lip. "And, well, since Mil is gone now, bass..."

"Don't bother thinking about him, Pear," Tine said. "It's his loss."

Pear sighed. "You're right. It's just..."

"You're great, Pear," Sarawat interjected, coming up behind them and ruffling the girl's hair. He turned around and smirked at Earn. "Isn't she, Earn?"

Earn seemed flustered at the question. "Yeah, she is." Earn looked the same as well, a more guarded look in her eyes compared to the free spirit she used to be when CTRL + S started out. Tine didn't know if it was because of what happened with Mil or her break-up with her boyfriend but she seemed more wary of the world --- except when she looked at Pear of course.

I will deny it until the day I die that I have shipped Pear and Earn since our first day at Music Club together, Tine thought to himself.

Pear looked ready to cry at the compliments. "Thank you, guys."

Tine smiled softly at her. "You haven't changed at all. Still a crybaby."

Pear pouted. "That's rich coming from you, Mr. Admin."

Tine's eyes widened in alarm as he saw a look of confusion flit across Sarawat's face. He quickly grabbed Pear's elbow and sat her down in the seat next to him. He let out a loud, fake-sounding laugh and said, "Yes, I'm a crybaby. You're right. Come sit next to me."

Tine pinched Pear's side lightly and whispered, "You say a word to Sarawat and I'm telling Earn about the scrapbook in your room!"

Pear turned pinked and mimed zipping her mouth shut.

"She knows?" Green asked quietly, as the rest of the band sat around the table.

Tine nodded as Pear smiled innocently. Sarawat sat himself down beside Tine, offering the other man a small smile before turning to their manager, Air, who was looking over the menu with Dim.

Tine felt nervous having Sarawat sit next to him. He was practically an idol, with millions of followers on his personal Instagram and Twitter, and millions more on the CTRL + S official socials. Plus, Tine was remembering every single Tweet and IG post and story about him that he had uploaded on his anonymous fan accounts, making his face and ears red with every passing second.

"You okay, Tine?" Air asked him. "You look really red."

Tine laughed nervously, feeling queasy at the onslaught of embarrassment he was feeling at the moment. "It must be the beer. I'll try to slow it down."

"Your alcohol tolerance is still shit." Sarawat commented, taking a glass of water from the middle of the table and passing it to Tine. "Here." Tine could've sworn he saw Green and Pear sending each other knowing looks from his peripheral vision.

He flushed even more at Sarawat's stare but took the water anyway. "Thank you." He muttered, drinking the entire glass. Sarawat raised both his eyebrows.

Tine grinned at him and let out a loud burp in his ear.

Sarawat rolled his eyes. "Gross."


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