Chapter 25

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Miyu's pov

I sat in an office, currently alone as I looked at the floor. I'd been here for ages and all I wanted to do was go see if Shidesu was alright. I could hear when people walked past the room I was in but never entered. I leaned back into the seat I was in, wanting to just disappear. The door opened and I turned to see. It was the officer and the other lady who walked in. The officer stood at the door while the other one walked over. She sat down in a seat near me. I shifted away slightly.
"It's alright Kaminari, you'll be coming with us, at least for a short while until we can find a family for you" she explains to me. I blink at her. She looks at my bag.
"Is that all you have?" she asks, turning back to me. I nod. She sighs but lifts up my bag and stands up.
"Come on. You've been here for long enough" she tells me, walking to the door. I hesitate before following her to the door. She leads me to a car, the officer behind us. Both get in the front of the car while I settle in the back. The officer looks to me.
"I'm Noruma Mayako and this is my wife Isayama Mayako" she explains. I blink for a second.
"W-wife? You're married? " I ask.
"Well, yeah. That's what happens when you love someone" Isayama laughs before I can see her face turn serious in the little car mirror.
"You knew that right?" she asks.
"Mum and dad said that people who liked others of the same gender were disgusting and didn't deserve to live" I mumble, fiddling with my skirt.
"Oh, sweetie. Don't listen to that. Everyone deserves to live" she assures me. I look up at her with shock. I opened my mouth but she cut in.
"You wouldn't be so hung up on those words if you didn't like girls. I'm pretty good at reading people" she smiles. I look down at my feet. It's alright. Its not wrong for me to love Shidesu. The car pulls up in a driveway and I look. The house is very nice and so is the area. I get out of the car and follow Noruma to the door. She unlocks it and steps in, holding it open for me. I look around. The hall is very nicely decorated and well kept. I slipped my shoes off, placing them on the shoe rack neatly.
"There's a spare room upstairs but why don't you have a bath. All of this must have been stressful for you" she explains. I look at her.
"The bathroom is up the stairs, last door down. Feel free to use whatever you want from the cupboards" she explains, walking into another room. I walk up the stairs and down to the door that I'd been told about. I pushed it open. The bathroom was practically spotless, a vast contrast to mum and dad's house. I closed the door which actually had a lock on it. I stepped over to the tap and let the water run until it was warm so that I could fill the tub. I looked through the cabinet, finding different skin care products, shampoo and even some bubblebath and bathbombs. I take out the bottle and pour some of it into the tub, watching it swirl in the water and mak bubbles. I turned off the tap and took off my uniform, stepping into the water and relaxing into it. I closed my eyes, leaning into the water until it reached my jaw. I stayed in there for a while before washing my hair and climbing out, wrapping myself in a towel and drying my hair with another. I walk out of the bathroom and look around. I spot one door open to a room and stpe in. There's a pair of pyjamas on the bed next to a note with my name on it. I flip it over but there's nothing else written on it. I pick up the clothes and put them on, wrapping my arms around the fuzzy clothing. I look up and see that there's a clean uniform hanging from a wardrobe door. I walk up and look it over. It's my size. I blink in surprise. I'd never felt so loved in a very long time. Maybe I would actually like it here.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now