Chapter 30

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Miyu's pov

I packed up my things from class before picking up my bag. I walked out of my class before being surprised at the presence of someone at the door. I squeaked before looking up to see Osoro.
"Oh. Sorry Osoro, you startled me," I apologised. She looked towards me, scrunching up a piece of paper and tossing it into the class bin.
"Yeah. My bad. Let's go before someone comes along and yells at us for loitering or something," she explains. I look at the bin.
"I just cleaned that out you know" I explain. I walk into the class and pick up the sheet from the bin.
"We can put this in a bin outside. They won't be clean yet," I add.
"I'm sure one piece of paper won't send the teachers into a frenzy"
"Still. I'll bin this at home. We have a recycling bin there," I explain, putting the paper in my bag.
"So, how did you do on your test yesterday?"
"What test?"
"The one that all 2nd years were taking. I heard Byoga talking about it in the art room yesterday after school," I explain.
"Oh, that test. It was easy, " she replied, shoving hands into her pockets. I stopped walking and pulled that piece of paper from my bag and carefully uncrumpled it. Osoro noticed this.
"What are you doing?" I didn't answer, looking down at a test paper with nothing answered and a Fail on the sheet.
"You didn't do your test"
"It was stupid anyway. I don't need to know that stuff," she shrugged but wasn't looking at me.
"You didn't want me to know about this, did you?" She held her tongue for about a minute before sighing.
"I thought you'd think less of me if you found out that I don't really know what do to for tests"
"Why would I?"
"Because there are so many people in this school that get amazing grades and I don't," I blinked before looking at the sheet.
"I could help"
"You what?" she looked at me with surprise on her face.
"The first year stuff is kinda simple, so it shouldn't be too much of a jump. Plus, I'll be familiar with the material when I go into my second year," I explain, fiddling with my fingers.
"I dunno. Sounds boring"
"Please. I really feel like I need to do something for you after everything you've done for me. Please, just let me help for your next test and if it fails, then I won't help," I plead, walking in front of her. She looks down at me while I try doing the cutest face that I possibly could. She looks at me, then sighs. 
"Alright, fine. We'll study together"
"Yay. We can go to the library. I think they have a lot of books on the subjects there," I explain, tapping a finger to my mouth. 
"You can sort it later. Come on. Let's get a snack on the way home," I turn and smile happily.
"Alright. Sounds fun" I laugh, stepping back, so that we were walking beside each other once again.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now