Chapter 22

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Miyu's pov

I walked into school next to Shidesu, fiddling with my shirt. I looked up at her before turned down to my feet so that I could swap my shoes. When I turned around, Shidesu was talking with someone else. I looked up at the clock on the wall, noticing the time. I started walking towards my class so that I wouldn't be late. I'm sure Shidesu would understand. I passed by the stairs, someone grabbing onto my shirt and pulling me onto the stairs out of people's sight. I tried to struggle out of their grip before a knife was placed up against my neck.
"Come quietly" they hissed at me, begining to drag me up the stairs. I didn't fight, going willing all the way up to the roof. It was empty since everyone would be in class about now. I was thrown against metal, whining slightly from the pain. A shoe was placed on my chest.
"You were supposed to be dead. No matter. I'll kill two birds with one stone" she growls, looking over at the stairs. Aishi. I was trapped. I couldn't fight her. I tried to make myself smaller but the knife was pointed at my head. I gulped. I didn't know how long passed before I heard someone coming up the stairs. A teacher perhaps. Something settled in my stomach when I saw who it was and I'm not quite sure what is was.
"Good. I was hoping it would be you" Aishi smiled, knife going down to my neck.
"Step away from her" Shidesu snapped. She sounded angry. Just as angry as she did in the cafe. I flinched slightly.
"Don't get yourself bent out of shape. You'll join her quick enough" she objects, the knife pressing against the skin of my neck. I took in a breath before kicking my leg out and hitting Aishi's knee. She stumbled back, nearly losing her grip on the knife. She was tackled to the ground by Shidesu the oment she was away from me. Both of them were fighting now. Shidesu trying to hold the knife down while also hitting Aishi. I scrambled over to her jacket, searching the pockets for her phone. I found it, pulling it out and going to her contacts. I clicked on one and pressed the call button. The phone ran four times before going to voicemail. I quickly hung up before scrambling back when Aishi got near me. She wasn't pinned down. She swung the knife, trying to hit me. I stumbled to my feet, getting a cut down my leg. I held in a cry, backing up from her. I looked for Shidesu who I saw swing a kick at Aishi, hand gripping onto her shoulder where blood dribbled over. I ran over, phone still in hand.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. You need to get out of here" she orders, turning to me.
"I'm not just leaving you"
"I'll be fine. Go find a teacher or one of the delinquents" I shake my head.
"Kaminari, listen to me-"
"No, you listen. I'm not just going to run like a puppy and leave you here with her when she could kill you" I object.
"I'm protecting you"
"And I'm protecting you. I'm not leaving you" I object.
"How touching. I'll be sure to bury your bodies together when I'm done with you" Aishi snorts, gripping the knife in her hand. I take a step back, trying to call one of Shidesu's friends again but the call went to voicemail. I looked around for anything that could help and spotted a bat. Shidesu's weapon. I picked it up before sneaking up on Aishi while she was distracted. I swung the bat at her head as hard as I could, making her stumble back into the railing. I turned to Shidesu ho had collapsed onto her knees. I spotted blood flowing from a stab wound in her stomach. A pretty large one that led up to her shoulder like it had been dragged down. I kneeled own next to her looking at her. She was breathing heavily and would need medical attention but I couldn't just leave her here. I opened her phone again and typed it the emergency services. They picked up and I quickly hung up. That was what you did in this situation right. Aishi was gaining her composure again, staring at me with pure rage. I picked up the bat holding it tightly while my legs were shaking.
"You really think a bat and your measly strength will make a difference" she snorted, walking towards me. I extended the bat, shaking growing more violent. "You make me laugh. You won't win on your own like that" she laughed, swinging the knife and hitting my cheek. I closed my eye from the sting of the impact. I backed up more before realising I'd backed myself into a railing. I was trapped.
"You're dumber than I thought if you just got yourself trapped like that" she smiled, swinging to hit me again. I closed my eyes in preparation for the hit but it never came. I opened my eyes, shocked at what I saw. They really came to help. I was so happy. Shidesu might actually be alright.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant