Chapter 10

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Miyu's pov

I sat on the couch in Shidesu's house, knees pulled up to my chest and face buried in them.
"Food should be finished in about 20 minutes. Hope you don't mind waiting" she sighed. I felt the dip of the couch when she sat down and I looked, hair falling into my face  more than it already did. She looked at me.
"Everything alright? Is something troubling you?" she asked, seeming to realize that my posture and silence weren't a god thing. I nodded my head quickly, not wanting to talk about it. An arm being placed over my shoulders surprised me and I flinched slightly.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" she apologized. I kept my muscles tense but didn't object. Instead I stared at my hands, fiddling with them.
"If something's bothering you then you can talk to me about it" she explained.
"I......" I started, keeping my gaze fixed down. I bit my lip.
"I-its nothing" I mumble, looking at the arm of the couch which seemed extremely interesting all of a sudden. Shidesu didn't try to get anything, instead falling silent. Eventually the food was finished and I was handed a small plate of noodles and chicken. I eat all of my plate, gently placing the empty plate on the wooden coffee table. Shidesu took the plate into the kitchen alongside her own, dropping them into the sink. She then turned to me.
"Its getting late. How about we get some rest" she offers. I nod, slowly standing up. She provides me with another one of her shirts to wear. I put it on and sit down on her bed. When Shidesu walks over to the bed and settles down with the light off, I feel an arm finding its way over my waist. I gulp but wait until I'm sure she's asleep. When I hear the change in her breathing I slip out of the bed and over to the coat hanger at the door. I rummage in one of the pockets, my fingers brushing over the small plastic bottle. I pull out the little bottle that held the small round pill, looking over it.

While waiting for Shidesu to return from the shop, the collar of her jacket was aggressively tugged and I was pulled into a more secluded area of town. I looked at who had pulled me away. A girl with dark hair that was held in a ponytail was in front of me, one hand holding onto my face. She was looking at me with cold grey eyes. My legs shook in fear. I didn't know who this was but she obviously didn't like me and from the uniform, she went to my school. She reached into her back pocket, pulling out a small plastic bottle. I looked at it. She let go of my face, wrapping her now free fingers around my wrist and pulling my hand out. The small bottle was forced into my hand. I blinked.
"Take it when you're alone. If you don't take it tonight then I'll kill you" she hissed. I opened my mouth to object. 
"Don't you want all your pain to be over. You're only holding others back and being a burden" she added, turning to walk away. The sound of giggling caught my attention before I could say anything. I shoved the bottle into the pocket, turning to leave only to be pushed into the wall by Ronshaku.

I turn to look at the slightly open door of Shidesu's room. My eyes were slightly wet when I turned back to face the bottle. I unscrewed the lid of the bottle, dropping the small circular object into the palm of my hand. I hesitated, hands shaking before I put it into my mouth. My teeth grazed the surface of the pill and I felt a strange liquid that tasted awful on my tongue just before I swallowed. I stood in place for a few seconds, waiting for anything to happen. I looked at a clock, watching the seconds tick by into minutes. I sat on the couch, legs shaking now that I'd been standing for a while. After sitting down for a few seconds, my head was starting to hurt despite the low light. I placed my head on the arm of the couch, eyes half closed. Maybe I could just sleep and this would be over.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now