Chapter 23

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Miyu's pov

My grip on the bat slacked slightly as I watched Aishi stumble ont te ground after getting hit with the weapon of one of Shidesu's friends. He turned to me and I shrunk down in his gaze.
"Go see Osoro" he demanded, turning to Aishi and tossing his staff into the opposite hand. I took a step for a second before running over to Shidesu. She was trying to push herself up but she was losing a lot of blood. She turned to me.
"Kaminari-" I placed a finger against her mouth before slinging one arm across my shoulders. I tried to lift her up but nearly fell back to the ground from the added weight.
"Your going to hurt yourself. Don't do this" Shidesu protested, her free hand on the area f the wound in her stomach.
"I'm getting you help" I huffed, taking a shaky step forward. I could tell Shidesu was trying her best to keep as much weight off me as possible so that I didn't put too much strain on my body. I made it to the stairs and slowly stepped down one at a time, feeling more weight slowly adding onto my shoulders and back. I got halfway down the stairs to the second floor when I was pulled down by a ton of dead weight, tumbling down and hitting the floor hard. I looked and saw Shidesu was unconscious, wound bleeding more and a trail of blood following where we'd come down the stairs. I moved my arm only to bite my tongue in pain. I must have hurt it in the fall. There's no way I could carry Shidesu down the final flight safely.
"Stay here" I tell her even though I know she can't here me and that she wouldn't be able to move anyway. I went as fast as I could down the stairs before bursting into the faculty room. One teacher was there and she looked at me with an unimpressed look.
"Young lady you should be in class-" she stopped, probably noticing the cuts I had.
"Help. She's hurt. I can't..... I....." I couldn't finish my sentence, feeling hot tears building up in my eyes. The teacher rushed out of the faculty office, looking at me so I could tell her where to go. Words died in my throat so I pointed up at the stairs. The teacher ran up the stairs and I followed. I found her kneeling next to Shidesu, fingers placed against her wrist. I could hear police sirens getting close to the gates of the school and people talking with each other. Before long, two officers ran up the stairs, spotting us.
"What's going on?" one of them asked.
"A fight...... On the roof" I replied, my legs ready to collapse from fear. I had left one of Shidesu's friends to fight Aishi alone. The police officers ran up the stairs towards the roof, coming bac down with both of them in handcuffs.
"W-wait. He didn't do anything" I mumbled but I don't think they heard me.
"Get those two down the stairs and into the ambulance. They'll need to be treated" one of them explained. The teacher nodded, lifting Shidesu up and walking towards the school gates. I followed, not taking my eyes off Shidesu. She was placed on one of the stretchers in the ambulance as they worked on stopping the bleeding. I sat at the edge, taking hold of her hand.
"Please don't die" I mumbled.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now