Chapter 14

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So I'm back after more than 2 months of no updates. I am very sorry for the lack of updates and hope you enjoy this chapter.

Miyu's pov

I started to pick up on faint sounds from somewhere as I opened my eyes. It was dark, only a slither of light coming in from a gap in a set of closed curtains. I tilt my head, looking around. I didn't recognize where I was at all. It was too clean to be my room so that was ruled out. I slowly sat up. I couldn't feel any pain when I sat up which was common for me. I pulled up the blue gown I was in. No bruises on my skin. I looked around again. Who had changed me? I didn't know what to do. I didn't have any of my stuff and I was to afraid to leave the bed in case I got in trouble. There had to be a reason I had wires hooked up to my arm after all. I looked down at my knees, fiddling with my fingers while trying to remember where I was and why I was here. I was with Shidesu. I remember that. She was bringing me to her place again. I lift my hands up to rub my temples. I needed to remember what happened. A... bottle. A small one... The pill.... That weird taste. That's it. That's what it was that I was missing. That pill. It was supposed to kill me right. Does that mean I'm dead. That doesn't explain the wires in my arm. Why would I have anything like that if I was dead. I look around again and spot a button attached to the bed. I hesitate. Do I want to ring it? I'll probably just make someone mad at me. I pull my hand away from the button, hair falling further into my face and almost covering both my eyes. I bite my lip and decide to just press the button. I can deal with whatever happens to me afterwords. I'm used to it. I don't hear anything after pressing the button. Maybe it was broken. That's better than getting in trouble for pushing something I wasn't supposed to. Apparently that was incorrect because about five minutes after pushing the button, the room's door opens. A man, probably late twenties walked into the room, eyes squinted at the darkness. He looks over at me and a smile covers his face.
"Good afternoon Miss Kaminari. Let me open the curtains for you" he greets, walking over to the curtains and pulling them over. Sun shone into the room as I covered my eyes to shield them from the sun. The guy walked over to me.
"How are you feeling Miss Kaminari?" he asks, walking over to the bed and checking something. I shrug, keeping my face obscured with my hair.
"I'll have some food brought in for you. You'll be hungry after all that" he explains, writing something on a clipboard he'd brought in. I stay quiet.
"Oh. And chances are you'll have a visitor in a couple hours. She's been coming by every day at the same time" he adds, looking up from what he was writing.
"S-she?" I mumble. The doctor nods, looking back down at his clipboard before proceeding to click the pen closed.
"Well. Everything seems to be fine for now. We'll keep you in for a few more days to make sure but it looks like the poison is completely gone from your system" he explains to me. Wait poison. I was poisoned. Is that what the weird taste was.
"Well. I'll go get some to get you something and leave you to it" he lets me know before leaving the room. I was now alone in this room again with nothing to do. I just sat in the bed, staring out the window.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now