Chapter 21

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Osoro's pov

I walked back up to the counter to finish ordering our things and pay the woman. She nervously finished writing it down. I added in an extra bit of yen to apologise for the ruckas that had happened before walking back to the table to wait. Kaminari was staring down at her hands, aggressively twisting her skirt around her legs. She flicked her gaze towards me when the chair squeaked against the floor from me dragging it out from under the table. I sat down heavily and crossed my arms.
"Don't get too worked up about what happened. Those guys were pigs" I explain, eyes closed and head tilted down slightly.
"Why did you fight them?" I furrowed my brows, eyes meeting hers.
"What do you mean why? I wasn't going to let those pigs just take you like that" I object, gripping onto the table. I didn't want to imagine what those bastards would have done to her. Kaminari turned her gaze downward again, hair falling further into her face. Our order was brought to the table, plates clinking on the table. I picked up a fork, cutting off a piece of my food and eating it. Kaminari stared at hers for a while.
"You can eat. No one is going to stop you" I assure her. She looks up at me before shakily picking up her fork and taking a bite of her cake. I looked over at the desk. The woman wasn't there. Must have gone to the back. I turned back to Kaminari.
"So why are you so cautious about food?" I ask, meeting her eyes. She pauses, hand slacking and dropping the fork onto the table which hit her plate and made a loud noise. I keep my gaze focused on her as she turns to look at her feet, biting her lip nervously.
" U-um....... I...... " she Mumbles. I turn my gaze to my food, taking another bite.
"Mum sometimes gives me food only to take it away from me and throw it on the ground or in the bin. Sometimes my face" she Mumbles, hand reaching up and rubbing below her fringe.
"Your mother does that?" I ask in shock. Why would someone do that to their own child.
"I don't know. Mum and dad stopped getting along and I just got caught in the cross fire of it" she explains, tugging at her shirt.
"They hurt you don't they" I asked. She looks at me then turns to the wall.
"It's not that bad. Only a couple of them scarred over. It's really not that bad"
"Are you telling me that or yourself because you don't sound convinced" I point out. She blinks, looking at me with a surprised look.
"Stick with me alright. I won't let anyone else hurt you" I assure her. She blinks.
"You want to protect me?" she asks, not believing it.
"You don't have anyone else filling in that role so of course I do" I remind her. She looks at her hands but stays quiet, taking a sip from her hot chocolate. When she lowers the cup, I notice she has some whipped cream decorating her upper lip. I laugh. She looks at me with a cute confused look.
"You have some cream on your upper lip" I explain, pointing to mine where the cream was. She reached up and wiped it off, looking at it on her hand.
"Oh" she mumbled. I felt my face heat up again. Why was she so damn cute.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now