Chapter 31

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Here's a newer drawing of Miyu. It was part of a project I did(Dubbed the chibi heart project) so I only have a copy of her with the heart. 

Osoro's pov

The bell rang for the beginning of lunch. I gathered my things together, stuffing them into my bag. I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom. I checked my phone. One new message from Miyu. I opened up our conversation. 
Meet me in the library
I sighed heavily. She really wanted to do this studying thing. I shoved my phone back into the pocket of my skirt and headed towards the library. I walked in. The library was empty with the exception of Miyu who was sat at a corner desk. She was eating some spaghetti with her chopsticks. I approached her and pulled out a chair from under the desk. This caught her attention since she looked up at me, spaghetti hanging down with her chopsticks around it. She swallowed the mouthful she had, placing her chopsticks down on her bento.
"Cold pasta?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Its surprisingly good" I chuckle at her reaction, placing one hand on her head and ruffling her hair. She swats at my hand.
"Stop. I just sorted it this morning" She objects. I remove my hand. 
"Alright. So what subjects are you struggling with?" She asks, picking up a pen and tapping it against a notebook.
"Everything except P.E" she laughs.
"I thought you weren't going to make fun of me" I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms.
"I'm not. Its just that's the only subject I'm failing"
"I thought you got good grades in everything" I object.
"Have you not seen me? I have noodle arms. I can't do P.E for the life of me. Just running for 2 minutes exhausts me" she objected, waving one arm near me. I roll my eyes with a smirk.
"Alright. So we should focus on one of them for now. Which subject do you have a test coming up for?" I had to think for a moment, running one hand through my hair. 
"Uh. I think Psychology is my next one" I hadn't really payed attention much to any test dates. Miyu's eyes were practically sparkling.
"I love Psychology. This is going to be so great. Let me just go pick out some books to help" she got out of her chair and began scowering through the shelves for the Psychology books she was looking for. I leaned my cheek into my hand while my elbow pressed against the desk, watching her stand up on her tiptoes and reach up to the top shelf. A hand slamming in front of my face on the desk pulled my attention away. Kamenaga was staring at me from behind her glasses.
"What are you doing here?" she demanded, pulling her arm back to cross them in front of her chest.
"I don't know. Why would someone come to a library in the first place" I countered, tapping my fingers on the table.
"Someone like you shouldn't be here" she objects. I push myself to my feet, towering over her by a few inches. She looks up at me, her gaze not wavering.
"So we're resulting to stereotyping now huh" I accuse. She opened her mouth to object.
"Osoro?" I looked past Kamenaga. Miyu was standing with three books in her arms, eyes looking towards the vice president. Kamenaga turned around to look at her, eyes scanning up and down. Miyu curled into herself although the books were still tightly gripped against her chest.
"So you didn't stop being around a 1st year. You should know better" she hissed out at me.
"What is she talking about?" Miyu pipes up only to squeak and back up towards a wall when she gets a glare from Kamenaga.
"If we have another delinquent amongst our students then I'm sure it won't be good news for you" she turns away, taking steps towards the door.
"Shove it up your ass" I spit at her. She looks over her shoulder with wide eyes before quickly swinging her head around and leaving the library which was starting to become populated with a couple other students that were finding interest in what had happened. They quickly turned away when they realised I was staring at them. I sat back down at the table. Miyu hesitated before sitting down as well, putting the three books on the table. She took another mouthful of pasta, tapping her chopsticks against her bento while she chewed.
"Am I getting you in trouble?"
"No its not your fault. Some people just think all I am is an asshole. They're scared of me" she looks  down at her lap.
"What's wrong?" I place one hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me.
"I was afraid of you" she mumbled. I moved my hand up to rub her cheek.
"Hey its alright. I don't blame you for being scared. You didn't have anyone who supported you then" I assure her. She reaches up, placing her hand over mine. I smile, tilting her head up and planting a quick kiss on her lips. Her face instantly flushed red. I chuckled. She pushes at my chest.
"Don't distract me. We're supposed to be studying" she objected, turning back to look at the books.
"Whatever you say" I laugh.

The delinquent and the abused(Osoro Shidesu x female! oc) rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now