"I wish I was," I whispered ruefully. "What do you want me to do to get your forgiveness?"

"You'll never have it."

"Because I ran away?" My shoulders slumped.

"I should have left you" — sheer, contained rage — "out on those damn cold streets."

If Hayden did that, Romeo would've come after me.

Tearing my eyes away from his, I gazed down at my lap, emotions closing around my throat. If I lifted my head, he'd see the tears burning at the backs of my eyes, see what his words could do to me, and see how defenceless I was mentally and physically against him.

"Why didn't you leave me, Hayden?" My voice shook with vulnerability.

"Don't cry. Don't Gaslight me into feeling pity — you bought this on yourself." Ruthless words, that velvet cloak voice bringing out the concealed sword.

Stark vulnerability in my face, soul stripped bare, I met his eyes and watched the cold retreat from his eyes. With a sigh, he took a step my way, and I buried my face into my pillow, pulling the sheets over my head.


Two days later, when I was sure the drug had been totally out of my system, I decided to meet Erika to thank her for helping me. Though I hated Rita Cerak with a passion, I had no reason to treat Erika like shit, especially when she was offering me an olive branch.

Rubbing my palms against my shorts, I wiped the sweat off my clammy hands and rang the doorbell, contemplating running away before I would have to face her.

Was I really doing this without Hayden? What choice did I have if the man couldn't be bothered to talk with me or so much as look at me?

"Kate?" Her green eyes widened, and I shuffled on my feet.

"Hi, Erika." My lips curled into an uneasy smile. I expected her to shut the door in my face, but she reached over to grip my arms.

"Come in. It's absolutely freezing today, isn't it? "Pulling me by my arms, she ushered me inside. As a footman stepped forward to take my jacket, I divested off it before following Erika as she led me into the warmth of her house.

As we sauntered, my inquisitive eyes instantly darted across the high-ceilinged room. The lofty luxury living space had a pair of trophy-imposed shelves, climbing all the way up and backing up against a wall, and had two chimney breasts. Metallic-coloured sofas surrounded the modern coffee table trio, above which eye-catching modern chandeliers were hanging from the roof. The entire area was bathed in the white light which was streaming in from the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Sit down, please." She motioned towards a couch. Smiling, I walked over to a couch, and she hushed, "Not that. The other one."

"Did you guys do the deed here?" I scrunched my nose, unsure if I could sit down anywhere in the house without thinking if these two did dirty.

I swung my gaze towards her and found her blushing. So they did. Amazing.

"No, it's just Ash. He peed on the couch." She gave me an apologetic smile. "You can sit on the beside one."

Ash? He? They didn't have kids — I knew that much about my half-sister.

"Is this Ash a mouse or a dog?" I queried, perching on the edge of the soft cushion awkwardly.

She sank into an armchair across from me and provided, "Ash as in Asher, Rodger's son. Ryan and I were babysitting him last night."

"Oh," I whispered, eyes drifting to a woman who was carrying a tray occupied by a kettle and tea cups and biscuits.

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