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I didn't realise it's been one week since the last update lmao I'll try to give regular updates

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I didn't realise it's been one week since the last update lmao I'll try to give regular updates.

Thank you for the 250k


Katrina Diaz

The wedding preparations were going on a grandiose scale, and the wedding was the talk of the town because of 'The Evans' reputation. But the media didn't know about the engagement except for the speculations.

A part of me was still surprised that my mum gave into Hayden's demands that the wedding should be within a month. Neither my dad nor my sister had any say in the marriage except in following my mum's plans. Kendra was never in my sight lately, since she was always on her toes with the wedding planning. Hayden never approached me after he slid the ring into my sister's hand. And I wondered if I should tell her about my one-night stand or just keep calm, hoping Hayden and I would take our secret to our graves.


The word sent a wave of sickness through my system. Guilt settled on my chest like a heavy dumbbell. He was my sister's fiancé. Ew!

What was I going to tell her?

Slapping a hand over my mouth, I tried to gulp the vomit rising in my throat before throwing open the bathroom door and rushing inside to empty the contents of my stomach and my bladder.

With a retch, I lean over the washbasin and vomit everything as my throat and nose burn and my legs tremble.

"Who is it?" The masculine voice was calm and cool.

Turning the tap on, I let the water wash down the vomit and splash some of the water onto my face. "Sorry," I whispered. "I didn't mean to intrude." Reaching for a mouthwash, I took some of it into my mouth to get rid of the acerbic taste coating my tongue.

"You caught me off-guard." Hayden's voice danced in the bathroom. Gobsmacked, the mouthwash spilt from my mouth instinctively in a rather embarrassing way. My nasal cavity burning, eyes stinging with tears, I coughed over and over again.

"Seems like I'm not the only one having a hard time." His taunt was wrapped in a husky British accent. "Am I?"

As my coughing sprint died, I scoffed. "No, I'm having the time of my life here."

"Brilliant. But I'm having a very hard time, Spitfire."

There were a million justified reasons why I shouldn't think about my sister's soon-to-be husband's sex life, but my unrestrained mind slipped right into the gutter.

No. Stop.

Think about chocolates. Or rainbows. Or unicorns. Or puppies. Or pussies. But don't think about dicks and definitely not about Hayden's of all. No. Just fucking no.

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