Chapter 10

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Garrus waited patiently outside as Dr. Megan come in to see Aster. The doctor had been notified of the earlier incident with Dr. Chakwas and her family. It was duly noted that Dr. Megan was not pleased by the event. Aster's recovery depended on her getting rest and staying stress-free so that the implants could fully be integrated into her body. An argument wouldn't be beneficial for anyone.

To say the least, Garrus was shocked at how everything occurred. He thought that Aster would like to see her soon to be step-mother given the circumstance, he was wrong. He couldn't believe that Aster would lash out like that then again, he hadn't known Aster that long. He could still remember the shock he felt when he learned the truth about the so-called "Dr. Lang."

It happened right after they had docked on the Citadel and the "agent" had been taken straight to surgery. Four turians he hadn't seen before boarding the cruiser and took her away. Nihlus had the asari and himself follow him straight to the Council chambers. Nihlus would elaborate on why but Garrus was used to following orders without question.

There the file that Dr. Lang had given the asari was viewed, shedding light on the mission and Dr. Lang's real identity. The Council was shocked, to say the least. They never suspected that Alec was the Director of the Science Academy or that he had already built the A.I. No agent sent had ever been able to return with any useful information, well not until Aster was sent.

During the "trial" Alec revealed that he knew that Dr. Lang was sent undercover, he claimed to know everything about Dr. Lang and proceeded to tell the Councilor everything he knows about her including her real name. It took everything Garrus had to stay still, he never suspected anything. On top of that, he couldn't help but feel the guilt of not being able to help her seep in. To make matters worse, Alec said he used Aster to help him attached the A.I to a human. He wouldn't say who that human was but they would never suspect it. Councilor Tevos took action and Alec Ryder was persecuted without hesitation.

Now the search for the A.I was underway and Aster was their main suspect and intel. Councilor Sparatus had appointed Garrus as Aster's "personal guard", to keep her from harm was what he had said. Garrus knew that what he really meant was for him to keep an eye on her just in case she was a traitor and tried to flee. Even though Garrus didn't know Aster that well, he just knew that Aster would never turn her back on the Alliance or the Council. He felt it in his gut, as humans like to say.

                                                                                  ***POV Change***

Shepard was taking a nap when the sound of a knock on the door woke her up. She didn't answer and hoped they would go away. Lately, she had been feeling more tired than before and she didn't know why.

"Miss. Shepard," someone called out stepping into the room. "Are you awake?"

"I am now," Shepard replied turning her head toward the door. "It's Shepard, not miss anything."

A small frame turian walked in and wearing a lab coat.

"Can I help you?" Shepard asked trying to straighten up a bit.

"I'm Dr. Solana," she said in greeting. "I'm here to check your implants."

"Of course," Shepard said pealing the covers off and managing to swing her legs out of bed."

Dr. Solana set down the datapad and undid the back of the paper gown.

"If I may ask," Shepard said as the doctor did her work.

"What's that?" Doctor asked.

"Why are you checking my implants?"

"You landed on Palaven for emergency surgery," Dr. Solana replied. "The damage was extreme and we only had turian based implants. We were told by the Council to save you at any cost."

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