Chapter 1

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A black-haired woman geared up in armor stepped out of the transport and looked around. Not finding anything unusual, she stepped out of the transport, bag in hand. It was a quiet night on the Citadel with only a few dock crewmembers working around. Captain Aster Shepard was glad for the late arrival, she never really liked being in the spotlight. One could say that she hated being noticed because of who she was associated with. Her brother, Spectre John Shepard, was well known throughout the galaxy for his heroics to stop an assassination attempt on the Council members. He was considered, by most, a hero and an icon if you will. Captain Shepard didn't hate her brother, on the contrary, she loved him but she also didn't like being compared to him. While her brother thrived in the spotlight, Shepard preferred to operate in the shadows. She was part of an Infiltrator squad that specialized in infiltration, hostage rescue, and other specialized tasks that most individuals would think twice about doing. Shepard was nowhere close to being in the same league as her brother, but she was the best at what she did. If you wanted something done or make something go away, you send Captain Shepard. If you wanted the galaxy to be saved, you send John Shepard.

"Captain," her pilot, Cortez, called out behind her. "Major Anderson wanted to see you when you docked."

"Doesn't he always," Shepard muttered quietly taking another look around.

Shepard wasn't paranoid but she knew that over the years she made some powerful enemies that wanted her dead. She couldn't afford to be careless. Satisfied that no one was lurking nearby, Shepard shifted her bag onto her shoulder and began to walk toward the elevator. Anderson wasn't known for his patience and Shepard wasn't known for her tardiness. Major Anderson was known however for his overprotectiveness of Captain Shepard, more so than her brother John. She was, after all, a bit younger than John when they lost their parents during the initial batarian attack on Eden Prime. Regardless of the circumstances that brought the Shepard sibling to Anderson, they owed him a lot.

It was a known fact that the batarian was out of control and little was being done to stop them at the moment. Humanity and the Turians were still recovering from the war and many of the species on the Citadel didn't have a strong enough army to stop any batarian attacks. Since the Batarian renounced the Council and anyone associated with them 10 years ago after the war between humanity and the turians, they had gone on a rampage killing everything and everyone they came across. No territory was safe from the slaughter.

Shepard waited patiently for the elevator to open into the center of C-Sec. It had been several months since her visit to the Citadel but the music was worse than ever. A lone turian maned that C-Sec security desk when Shepard emerged from the elevator. She wasn't surprised to see Chellick watching a vid on him omni-tool, after all, every time she came back from a mission, he always seemed to be waiting for her. Some wouldn't think it weird to see the turian at the desk but Shepard knew Chellick was keeping tabs on her departures and arrival. Shepard really didn't like anyone knowing her business, not when knowing her could get them killed. It was one of the main reasons she requested late arrivals, she wanted to avoid people as much as possible.

Chellick looked up from his omni-tool just in time to see Captain Shepard walked out and had to hold back a smile. Many wouldn't give this figure a second glance but Sergeant Chellick knew the distinct aura of Captain Shepard. There was something about her that oozed strength, confidence, and a deadly killer instinct that no one would dare mess with. Her black hair, turquoise eyes, and olive skin made her the prettiest human Chellick had ever seen. Not that he would admit it to anyone, turians and humans still weren't too fond of one another.

"Captain," Chellick called out in greeting. He was always happy to see every time she returned from a mission. "Good to see you."

"You're still here Chellick?" she asked, walking closer. "I thought you would have gone home by now."

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