Chapter 27

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Aster stood outside Garrus's apartment a bit hurt with his reaction. Did he really forget that he had broken into her apartment the first time they met? Instead of throwing him out, she had allowed him to stay.

He must have forgotten, SAM assured her. Otherwise, we would be staying in his spare room.

I could still break in and stay there, Aster concluded debating whether or not she should go along with her plan.

It's best that we leave, SAM replied.

Aster adjusted her bag and headed down the hallway toward the elevator. She didn't have to wait long for the doors to open.

"Oh, excuse me," Aster said moving aside as a female turian with purple makings stepped out of the elevator.

The turian gave her a once over and walked past her.

What's her deal? Aster thought as she entered the elevator.

Probably a non-loving human turian, SAM replied. There seem to be on the rise.

That's true, Aster thought as the elevator took them to the first floor. Still, there aren't many places that will take a human.

The Citadel has a human section, SAM replied. Why can't we stay there?

I don't want to risk it, Aster replied as she made her way out of the building and into the alleyway.

How about the upper walkways? SAM asked. Not many humans or other species go up there.

Once Aster activated her invisibility cloak, she made her way towards the upper walkways. SAM was right, there was hardly anyone up here. Aster felt that only worse of the criminals used these walkways but Aster needed a place to stay until Solana got back.

She couldn't afford to get careless. Sure she had wanted to stay at the apartment but if anyone had been tagging Solana, the apartment would be the first place anyone would look. Aster didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble for Solana; she had already done so much for her already.

If you see a place that is decent enough to stay in let me know, Aster said as she began her walk. Somewhere with a place we can shower and be hygienic, preferably.

Would you also want a five-star restaurant nearby? SAM asked sarcastically.

Aster rolled her eyes and continued looking around.

Is the scan picking up anything? Aster asked as she rounded another corner. I don't want to be seen up here.

There's nothing on my- hold on, SAM said. Behind that vent, there's an open area behind it. You have to use your biotics to go through the opening.

Aster walked up to the intake vent and didn't see the opening SAM mentioned.

Climb up, SAM suggested.

Aster used her biotics to get to the opening and lower herself down to the opening area SAM was referring to. Aster had to admit, she was impressed by their found. If SAM hadn't mentioned it, Aster would have never figured out that this was back here. There was only one opening which Aster was standing directly underneath. The space was surrounded by four walls made from the same material as the vent. Other than that, it was empty.

Wrex shouldn't be too long, SAM commented. This can be our hideout until he gets back, then we can crash with him; as the human saying goes.

I don't like that there's only one opening, Aster concluded. But it's better than being exposed.

It's better than being found, SAM agreed.

It didn't take long for Aster to lay down a few mats and blankets for her to lay down on. She had SAM intergrade with the few security cameras in the vicinity; there weren't many. At least they could get some type of warming if someone got too close to their temporary home.

Shall we take a look around? SAM suggested. It's best to have as many escape routes as possible.

Aster smiled a bit and agreed. SAM was still worried about being found and dissected. She couldn't blame him since she was sure she would also have to undergo whatever treatment was happening to him.

When Aster had seen the brain scans done on her by Professor Solus after she had arrived on Omega, it was enough to shock her into silence. The connection between SAM and her brain was beyond repair. Trying to disconnected them would only end up killing her.

It was at that moment that she decided that, whether she liked it or not, she would do everything in her power to keep SAM away from anyone who would use him to cause harm. SAM still wanted to find his main core drive called SAM Node but until they were in the clear Aster wouldn't risk it.

There weren't many individuals who knew about Junhix but if she had to put money on it; the Shadow Broker knew. He may know where to find it, but she wouldn't be able to afford that kind of information. Aster hoped that once all of this was over she could go back to Junhix and find something that could help them recover SAM Node.

What she planned to do with it was a whole other plan that Aster was not ready for. She knew she had to take it one step at a time. Of course that all depended on figuring out who was accusing her of betraying the Council.

We will find them, SAM confidently. They can't from us forever.

Yes, Aster agreed. We will find them.

The rest of the day Aster and SAM went around their "home" figuring out the best course of action if they were found and needed to flee and adding a few booby traps. They couldn't go straight to Solana's apartment obviously but they needed a place that they could lose some in.

The black markets, SAM suggested. There's always someone walking around there. We have to be careful not to be seen but it would be the perfect place. Flux isn't that far from there either.

We'll try the Black Markets first, Aster agreed. If that doesn't work we'll cut through Flux and head toward C-Sec. Not many criminals would dare to cause trouble in there.

A few may risk it, SAM replied. Only the dumb ones will.

Sounds like a plan.

We should head back, SAM said. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.

Dinner first, Aster replied. I don't know about you but I could go for a bite to eat.

Aster headed to an asari restaurant that was close by, she had heard other Citadel dwellers speak highly about this place the last time she had been visiting. She hoped that it held up to it reputation.

"Hello and welcome to Pyincs," an asari greeted them. "Will it be just you or are you waiting for someone?"

"Just me," Aster replied smiling. "Could I sit at the bar?"

"Of course," the asari replied. "I'll let the bartender know you're heading her way."

"Thank you," Aster said and she made her way to the bar.

She was in luck, there was an empty chair near the left side of the bar away from the heavy track of the middle area.

"Hello, my name is Mayedra," the asari bartender said in greeting. "What will you be having?"

"A full biotic kick," Aster replied showing the bartender her ID.

"Coming right up," the bartender replied. "Do you want a menu?"

"Sure," Aster replied.

A few minutes later the bartender came back with her drink and a menu.

Guess who's here? SAM asked causally.

Someone I don't want to see, Aster replied going through the menu. Hmm, I don't know what I should order. Everything sounds okay.

The other Shepard is here, SAM replied with a joyful-sounding tone. His family is also accompanying him. What a surprise!

Aster doubted it was a surprise. SAM was up to something.

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