Chapter 25

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"I still think you should tell him," Solana said as Aster and Wrex headed back to her apartment. "The sooner he knows the better."

Aster stayed quiet, she didn't have an answer for her. She wasn't sure what was going to happen after they retrieved those files but Aster did know that once this was all over she wasn't planning on staying on the Citadel. Her time had come and went; there was no need for her to stay. Her brother was doing great work out in space.

From the rumors she heard, he was keeping the galaxy safe, and right now people needed someone dependable and well-known. They didn't need her, she was a shadow and she intended to stay that way. Aster used to wonder if anyone recognized her for her work in the shadows before Junhix. She was only known now because someone was trying to frame her. Even after everything was resolved, Aster doubted that the Council would accept her back into their ranks.

"I don't think it would make a difference," Wrex commented. "Once you're exposed and exploited, I doubt the Council would take her back."

Ouch, Aster thought. He must be thinking the same thing I am.

"You can come and join me," Wrex continued. "With your skills, we can be the best bounty hunters there is."

"That doesn't sound like a good plan," Solana commented.

"It's called freedom," Wrex replied. "Something that Aster doesn't have at this moment, nor she had in the past working with the Council."

"Too much red tape," Wrex mumbled to Aster so that Solana wouldn't hear.

What do you think?

You do know that there is no way for me to be removed from your nervous system without it killing you, right? SAM asked.

I am aware, Aster replied. I gave up on that fantasy when we went to see Professor Solus.

I don't recall him saying anything to you about it.

He didn't, Aster said. He didn't have to. After I got the implants and the bionic arm put in, I got a glimpse of the scans that the Professor took.

I see, was SAM's reply.

I'm asking what you think about this since we are in it until I die or we find a way to get you removed.

If there is no place for us here, SAM stated. Being with the krogan may not be a bad idea. However, I don't see you as the type of person who would want to become a mercenary.

I don't see how I can go back to working with the Council or for the Alliance, Aster replied. Of course, I don't want to become a mercenary but what else am I suppose to do?

Shall I settle down and start a job like everyone else? Aster continued. What can I do?

You could stay with the turian, SAM replied.

And your family, he added.

At one point I may have wanted that, Aster wanted to say instead she said, There's no life for me here.

If that's the case, SAM replied. I go where you go.

"It does seem to be the best course of action at the moment," Aster whispered back. "I'm not saying no but I do want to know how all of this plays out."

"Say no more," Wrex replied softly.

"This is where I leave you," Wrex said as the three of them came upon the apartment.

"You're keeping watch out here?" Solana asked. "You can take the couch or something if you like."

"I won't be keeping watch," Wrex said. "I gotta get a few things ready."

"So you're just going to leave us then?" Solana asked. "Just like that?"

"You'll be fine," Wrex replied. "Turians aren't known for their cowardice. I'm sure you can take care of yourself."

"I rather Mina was not by herself," Solana replied softly. "I know I can take care of myself and so can my brother and Nihlus but what about Mina, huh?"

"She's not helpless," Wrex said growling.

"She's a wanted person," Solana stated. "No one on the Citadel would ever help a wanted person regardless if they known. If C-Sec is after them, no one would help."

"No one knows it's her," Wrex said. "They can't possibly know. Your fear for her is misplaced."

"You're talking about me like I'm not here," Aster said interrupting their conversation. "I'll be fine, I have several contingency plans in place just in case something were to happen."

"It'll only be for a few days," Wrex said. "Besides if you're worried about her during the day she can stay at your brother's place until you get back."

"He won't know I'm there," Aster promised. "I've stayed hidden for so long, he won't know I'm there."

"Fine," Solana said heading in leaving Wrex and Aster alone.

"If anything happens," Wrex started.

"Don't worry I know how to get in contact with you," Aster finished for him. "I'll keep you updated if anything changes."

"I'll be back soon," Wrex said walking off in the direction they had just come from. "Don't die."

After Wrex was gone, Aster headed upstairs after Solana. Knowing her, she was probably a bit upset about Wrex leaving. From what she read in the interactions between SAM and Solana, she must be really worried about Aster's well-being. Sure, enough when Aster entered the apartment Solana was sitting on the kitchen table with an unopened beer in her hand.

"You ok?" Aster asked taking the beer from her and opening it for her.

"No I'm not, ok with this," Solana replied. "How are you ok with him leaving?"

"He wouldn't leave unless he had to," Aster replied, trusting that Wrex really had to take care of something important.

Solana seems a bit on edge, SAM commented. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

"But I get the feeling that there is more going on than you're telling me," Aster continued.

"Solana," Aster said touching Solana's hand to get her attention.

"My job is sending me to grab some data from one of our outside stations," Solana replied. "I had hoped that while I was gone, Wrex would-."

"Be around to protect me," Aster concluded. "When do you leave?"

"In two days," Solana replied.

"Then you better get packed," Aster said taking the beer and taking a hit at it. "I'll pack my bags and head toward your brother's apartment."

"You're planning on staying with him?" Solana asked is surprised.

"Don't worry," Aster said smiling. "He won't know I'm there."

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