Chapter 17

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Arriving on the Citadel was exactly as she had suspected it would be liked after a long time of absence. Nothing had really changed since her departure. The security was the same and so was everyone from the Alliance she came across.

Once Shepard had been dropped off meters away from the transport, she activated her implants and changed her look to avoid any sort of recognition. SAM had redone her travel documentation to a new alias and they had everything covered so that the Spectres wouldn't cause any problems.

"Bring back any memories?" SAM asked smartly as they got off the transport.

"Really?" Shepard asked following everyone as they headed to pick up their bags. "You're going there?"

"Well your boyfriend dumped you not long after y'all got together," SAM commented.

"Haha, very funny. We weren't dating," Shepard reminded him.

"That's too bad I would have loved to watch your workout regimen."

"When did you turn into such a perv?" Shepard asked grabbing her bag.

"It's called being informed," SAM shot back in his defense.

"You're an A.I," Shepard reminded him. "Act like it."

Once she had her belonging, Shepard headed to a local motel in the human strip of the Citadel. With any luck, there might be a room available and she could begin her work.

"Couldn't you find something better?" SAM asked as Shepard took a looked around. The place did look a bit sketchy but then again, she didn't want to be noticed.

"This is good enough," Shepard replied. "We're not on vacation. We have work to do and we need to stay hidden as long as we can."

When Shepard entered the establishment, there was a salarian manning the front desk.

"Can I help you?" He asked in his most professional voice.

"Do you have any rooms available?" Shepard asked.

"Let take a look," he replied typing away on the console.

"This place is empty," SAM commented as the salarian continued to look on the screen. "Has guest to check-in was last night."

"I don't have any single beds," the salarian said, sounding apologetic. "I do have double beds, queens and kings."

"Thank you for your help," Shepard said, turning around and heading out the door.

Since her time spent on Omega, Shepard had gotten tired of being ripped off every chance she wanted to buy something. Shepard was sure she could find a better place than the one she chose.

"Why not contact your good friend the doctor?" SAM asked as Shepard began to walk the strip for another hotel. "I'm sure she would be more than willing to accommodate you."

"I don't want her involved," Shepard replied. "The last thing we need is for someone to think that Dr. Solana knows us in any shape or form."

"That's too bad," SAM replied.

"Why do you say that?" Sheard asked curiously.

"Because she's walking toward you."

Shepard focuses on her surroundings and saw a turian in a lab coat walking toward her. That was indeed Dr. Solana.

"You told her?" Shepard asked outraged.

"I've been in constant contact with her since you left the Citadel," SAM admitted. "You're best friends now."

Unseen: Mass Effect FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin