Chapter 13

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As both Shepard and Professor Solus continued their conversation the the door opened behind them revealing a young human male wearing a tech uniform walked in.

"Oh, I'm sorry Professor," he said looking curiously at her. "I thought all the patients were seen."

"Daniel, she's the volunteer," Professor Solus replied.

"Ah, well it's nice to meet you," Daniel said extending his arm out in greeting.

"Hello," Shepard replied shaking his hand.

"Daniel, get everything set up," the Professor ordered as he grabbed a few things from some drawers.

"Hospital gown in there," he indicated to a door to his left. "Medical scrub also available. Long trip, take advantage of it."

Shepard nodded and left them both feeling slightly insulted about how she smelled. She had traveled a long way but she also figured that since people weren't the cleanest on Omega, she would fit right in. The door the Professor indicated to lead to a room which housed a bathroom with a shower. Upon further inspection, she found a medical gown and the scrub the Professor had mentioned.

After the shower, Shepard folded her things the best she could and took them with her. The Professor was nowhere in sight but his assistant, Daniel was in the room prepping some instruments.

"Excuse me," she called out. "Where can I put my things?"

Daniel turned around and stared a bit before regaining his composure.

"I can take them," he said taking her things. "I made a place for them in your recovery room."

"Follow me," he continued. "Professor Solus is waiting."

Shepard followed after Daniel in anticipation, she still hadn't been told what exactly what had been discussed between the Professor and SAM. Speaking of which, SAM hadn't bothered to say anything to her since they had landed. He had kept quiet after their last conversation. However, since Shepard was getting to know him, she doubted SAM would break hos silence and tell her what was going on.

                                                                            *POV Change*

"What did you find out? " Garrus asked Nihlus as the both of them waited to be seated at the only good turian restaurant on the Citadel.

"Not much," he replied distracted, eyeing one of the waitress.

"But?" Garrus prompted impatiently. "Nihlus, what did you find out?"

"You know as much as I do," Nihlus replied annoyed. "She left the Citadel after the hearing and she hasn't been in contact with anyone since. Her apartment is cleaned up and her things were donated. No one can find any traces of her. Not even her family know where she is."

"Someone like her doesn't disappear," Garrus growled. "She's too well know. Someone must have seen her. Someone's covering for her."

"How long has it been since she left, huh?" Nihlus asked, still annoyed.

"Three weeks," grumbled Garrus, remembering finding Aster's apartment empty.

"Yes, three weeks," Nihlus repeated. "Leave her be. She's innocent, why are you looking for her anyways?"

"No reason," Garrus said, keeping his sub vocals neutral.

"Yeah ok," Nihlus replied not believing him. "Does this have anything to do with Councilor Sparatus calling you to his office?"

"Vakarian, party of two," an asari called out, saving Garrus from answering.

"Let's go," Garrus said, in relief.  "I'm hungry."

"Your waitress will be over momentarily," the asari said before leaving them with a pair of menus.

"So does it?" NIhlus asked, obviously not going to drop the conversation.

Garrus gave him a long look before deciding to tell him. Nihlus has been his childhood friend and had never done anything to betray his trust.

"I can't say anything here," Garrus replied softly so that only a turian could hear. "I could be under surveillance."

"Whatever man," Nihlus said leaning back in his chair. "Don't tell me."

"Hello, my name is Bianca," a human waitress said as she approached the table. "Are you ready to order?"

"We'll have a big order of burgat and a couple of your turian beer," Nihlus said taking a quick look at the menu.

"Could you add of some dextro cheese and crackers?" Garrus asked  putting his menu away.

"I'll give your order to the chef and I'll bring you your drinks in a moment," Bianca said, leaving.

The human left and soon returned with their drinks in hand.

"So how's Nyreen?" Nihlus asked taking a swing of his beer

"Fine," Garrus replied distracted.

"What do you think of her?"

"She's ok," Garrus said still think about Aster.

"How good is Shepard in bed?"

"Great," Garrus replied then stopped when he realized what he had said.

"Ha. Got you there," Nihlus said laughing. "Are you looking for Shepard because she's pregnant, huh? Ran away from you?"

"She's not pregnant," Garrus replied angrily. "Stop making things up."

"You're so protective over her," Nihlus commented. "You act like she's your mate."

"Fine," he continued, dropping the subject when Garrus didn't say anything. "Don't tell me."

Garrus glared at him but refused to say anything else. Shortly afterwards, the human came back with their food. After dinner, they said goodbye to one another and Garrus headed back to his apartment deep in thought.

He hadn't gotten any new assignment since Councilor Sparatus had given him the contract on Aster. The Councilor wanted him to keep his attention toward finding Aster.

It had been three weeks since Aster had disappeared without a trace. Three weeks of sleepless nights and stressful days. Councilor Sparatus still wanted her dead, regardless of how long it took to find her. He was sure, Aster knew about the A.I.

Although no new evidence had appeared since the short clip, the Councilor was adamant about Aster's death. Something about the whole assignment didn't sit well with Garrus but if he wanted to be a good turian he would do as he was ordered. He didn't want the contract to go to anyone else.

Garrus sent a quick encrypted message to Nihuls letting know to stop by later so that they could speak without being overheard. He couldn't be too careful. Since his investigation had started, Garrus had noticed that a certain krogan had been tagging along not too discreetly but he figured that it was possible that the krogan had also been hired for the same purpose.

Why else would a krogan follow a turian Spectre around?

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