Chapter 4

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After Shepard got back to the apartment, she kicked off her shoes and went into the fridge to find something alcoholic to drink only to find it empty.

Damn, Shepard thought slamming the fridge door shut. I should have gotten drunk at the restaurant instead.

With nothing else to do, Shepard went into the bedroom to get changed. She noticed that some of the drawers were still empty.

Garrus hasn't stopped by, Shepard mused, throwing her used outfit into the dirty pile. That guest must have been really important.

Shepard undid the covers of the bed and went to lay down before checking her omni-tool only to find several unread messages from the Council and one from Anderson. Still a bit upset about being blind-sided, Shepard read through the Council's messages first.

Council Tevos sent a message thanking her for safely transporting her daughters to Benning, a planet in the Euler System. The planet was mostly inhabited by humans but a wealthy asari also called Benning their home. Attached to the message was a wired transaction number for a hefty amount of credits, more than the required amount for the transport. Not that Shepard needed any sort of special treatment but Shepard assumed that the Council wanted to treat her well so that there wouldn't be any rumors of mistreatment or otherwise.

There was another message from the turian councilor asking for help in the relocation of his family. Shepard knew this pertained to relocating his mistress to a new location. It wasn't the first time he had asked for help in such matters. The other message was from Councilor Valern requesting her presence in the Citadel Tower as soon as possible. Apparently, there were important issues that need to be discussed and a mission requiring her immediate attention.

The last message was from Anderson, he wanted to speak to her but Shepard wasn't in the mood; she needed time to think. Shepard set her alarm for three hours from now, a little sleep wouldn't hurt. Three hours later, Shepard woke up once more; it was still empty. Not sure why she was feeling a bit upset, Shepard took a quick shower and packed a bag of clothes for a week before setting it by the door. She grabbed a quick breakfast of Blast Oh's and loaded a load of dishes in the dishwasher before looking around one last time. After much thought, Shepard decided to leave a short message for Garrus before grabbing her bag by the door and heading to the Citadel Tower.

A transport was waiting for her outside the main lobby and in no time at all Shepard was walking into the Tower.

"Captain Shepard," an Asari attendant said when she saw her. "Are you here to see the Council?"

"Mirithea," Shepard said in greeting. "The Council is expecting me."

"Of course," Mirithea replied. "I'll let them know you're here."

"Thank you."

Mirithea left to announce her arrival was back a short while after, "They're ready for you."

"I can take care of your bag while you go in," Mirithea said as Shepard adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "I'll make sure you get it back."

Shepard thanked her again and walking into the Council personal chamber. All three Councilors were sitting on the separate couches with a drink in hand.

"Councilors," Shepard greeted standing at attention.

"Shepard," Councilor Valern greeted in response. "Why don't you take a seat?"

Shepard surprised at the familiarity the Councilor was showing, took a seat on one of the couches close to Councilor Sparatus. She knew something was going on.

"We called you here today because they're a few things we want to discuss," Valern said, taking a sip of his drink. "These matters concern Citadel Space and all of its inhabitants."

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