Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor

Start from the beginning

Before Severus could finish his thoughts, Dumbledore interrupted him. "What wrong idea would that be Severus? I see it in your eyes, and I have seen it since she arrived. I am simply waiting on you to accept your feelings for what they are," Severus stiffened at his words. Had it truly been that obvious? "I am sure I don't know what you mean, sir. I must go and begin to prepare for the students," Severus quickly stood up and quickly went to exit the office.

"Severus, are you sure you're preparing for the students or it is just a particular former student?" Dumbledore asked with a sly smile. Severus ignored him and quickly sped down to his chambers. She would be here tomorrow, and his classroom was disgusting. He had to get to cleaning- Not for her of course.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Meanwhile, in the Zabini Manor, Blaise was throwing a massive amount of questions at Rowan.

"What do you mean you're the new assistant potions professor?"

"Do I have to call you Professor Knight?"

"Can you make me head boy?"

"Do you think Snape has a crush on you?"

That last question made a scrambling Rowan to stand still. "Blaise, do you ever shut up?" Rowan asked with an eye roll as she collected some of her clothes and placed them in her trunk. "Only when you make me, baby," Blaise said smoothly and received a hard slap on his arm. Rowan rolled her eyes at his flirtatious joke. Blaise had gained a reputation for being a player, but Rowan knew anything he said to her or to Millicent was nothing but a joke. "No, seriously Rowan. I know you've had feelings for him ever since you saw him staring when everyone was getting sorted," Blaise said as he started to help Rowan pack her clothes.

"My feelings for Professor Snape are...complicated. I'm sure he only asked for me because I was at the top of the class," Rowan said and Blaise began to giggle. When she looked at him, he was holding her favorite pair of black lacy underwear. "Shut up, Zabini. I will give you detention with Professor Snape," Rowan said as she snatched them out of his hands and hesitantly packed them. "Watch it, Professor Knight. I'm sure the only person who wants detention with the dungeon bat is you," Blaise teased as he used a spell to shrink down the first trunk.

"He isn't a dungeon bat, Blaise. Anyway, don't you have somewhere else to be? Maybe you can go and bother one of your sisters?" Rowan offered as she opened up a new trunk and began to put some of her picture frames in it. "I'm bothering you right now, why should I stop? Plus Draco and Pansy are busy packing for Hogwarts," Blaise said, taking a picture of their small group of friends off of Rowan's shelf and placing it carefully with the others. "Shouldn't you be packing?" Rowan rolled her eyes and laughed quietly. "You know I'm already packing, baby," Blaise joked with a wink. "You're vile, you know that?" Rowan said, throwing a green shirt into his chest. "You love me," Blaise retorted as he neatly folded the shirt and placed it into the trunk.

After two hours and three trunks filled with various belongings, the pair had finished packing Rowan's things. Her room now looked bare as she and Blaise sat at the end of her bed.

"Are you sure you have to leave tonight? It's pretty late," Blaise said with a frown. "You're right. I'll just leave first thing in the morning," Rowan agreed as she yawned. "Are you sure about all of this? I mean- I know Millicent and especially Juniper have missed you but you didn't have to become a professor," Blaise asked, his voice was the most caring Rowan had ever heard it. "I'm sure. Ever since my mom kicked me out, Hogwarts and the manor have been my home. Now, I won't have to rely on your family for everything," Rowan replied with a small frown. She had just now realized that he had been relying heavily on the Zabini's, who already had a fairly large family.

"Nonsense, Rowan. My mom sees you as a Zabini, she loves you," Blaise began and a small smile rose to his face. "I hope you know this doesn't mean you get to miss my mother's newest wedding," He said, laying down on her bed. Rowan joined him, placing her head on his shoulder. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," Rowan replied and they both began to chuckle.

"Hey, maybe you can bring Snape as your plus one. You know, whenever he becomes your boyfriend and all," Blaise laughs as he prepares for what he assumed would be a rather hard slap from Rowan. However, Rowan seemed to be lost in her thoughts. "Hey, it'll be alright. I'll make sure Malfoy doesn't give you a hard time," Blaise said as he rubbed Rowan's shoulder lovingly. "That's not what I'm worried about. What if he doesn't feel the same way I do?" Rowan said, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"Is this you admitting you have a crush on the potions professor, Rowan?" Blaise asked teasingly. "Yeah, I suppose it is Zabini," Rowan paused, before speaking again. "You tell him and I will personally break your wand," Rowan hissed, narrowing her eyes menacingly. "Which wand are we talking? 'Cause if you're talking about-"

"Zabini!" Rowan exclaimed and pushed him off of her bed and onto the floor. "I get it, you only want Snape's wand," Zabini laughed and began to run out of Rowan's bedroom. "Get back here, Zabini!" Rowan exclaimed as she quickly ran after Blaise.

The chase lasted for half an hour until they both ended up on the floor of Rowan's room, exhausted and out of breath. "Do you think he likes me, Blaise?" Rowan asked between heavy breaths. "Any man would be crazy not to, Knight. Now, are we going to lay here all night or do you wanna watch a movie?" Blaise answered, standing up and holding out a hand for Rowan to grab. She took his hand and Blaise took this opportunity to make one last joke. "You know, he might not like you because you're as short as a house-elf," He laughed, patting her head.

"I will hex you Zabini," Rowan said with a smile as she hopped down the stairs toward the living room. Blaise couldn't help but smile as he watched her, he did have to admit he loved her. Though she loved someone else, he was okay with that as long as she was happy. If Snape ever dared to ruin this side of her, Blaise knew it would be him who killed the potions professor. 

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