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It had been 3 years since I'd seen Byakuya. He got into some trouble at school. Basically Mondo spiked his drink and for the first time, everyone saw him actually have fun. The only problem was, I found out he had a crush on me. I was being stupid and I hooked up with him, so he got in pretty deep trouble with his dad and they shipped him off to a boarding school.

Today was the day of graduation and everyone was thrilled to finally get out of this hellhole. I had always wished Byakuya was here to graduate with us, but he was off in France. I stood in the  school bathroom, taking one final look at myself before I had officially finished school.

As I stood on the side of the stage waiting for the ceremony to start, they started playing a slideshow on the big screen hanging over the foreground. Since there were only 16 graduating students, they showed our pictures for each year (as well as our ultimates). God did I look terrible in Freshman year. The group pictures came up next; there was one of Celeste being weirded out by Hifumi, one of the many shots taken during the sauna battle (as we call it) between Mondo Oowata and Kiyotaka Ishimaru. As much as I hated them sometimes, I was gonna miss them. A few other fun ones played but one caught my attention, the day Byakuya was forced to go to that party. Coincidentally, I was the one pushing him through the doors. I had always loved that picture, despite how weird it was, Makoto must have submitted it. Finally the lights dimmed and focused on the Stage. 

"First up! Kyiotaka Ishimaru! Ultimate Moral Compass!" Monokuma announced in his usual high pitched voice. 

"Sayaka Mizono! Ultimate Pop Sensation"

"Makoto Naegi! Ultimate.... Dumbass!" I held back my laughter from the comment and stepped onto the stage.

"Y/n L/n! Ultimate Slut! Oops, I meant Cosplayer!" (Or whatever you want) Sure I had slept with or at least was rumored to have slept with all the hottest guys in the school, but that only started after I slept with Byakuya. I guess you could call the rest rebounds, because I still hadn't gotten over Byakuya throughout the past two years. I snatched my diploma and tried to get off the stage, but I noticed someone familiar in the crowd, blonde hair form what I could tell and was walking out of the auditorium almost silently. 

"Byakuya?" I said rather loud. Everyone turned to me, then towards where I was looking. I thought he might run out, but instead he set he stuff down and started coming towards me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug straight away. He pulled away quickly and I was confused at first until he pulled me into a kiss. We stayed there for about 7 seconds and everyone was still staring, not to mention the rest of my class couldn't believe their eyes.

"Let's get out of here," Byakuya whispered,

"Ok" I whispered back, "Have a good rest of your lives and Makoto for the love of god, get a life!" I yelled to the auditorium and we waltzed out.

(sorry this was really bad, I plan to do a  different version of Graduation and one where Byakuya and Y/n are reunited. Bai guys and please comment some requests, I have terrrrrrrrriiibbbllleee writers block 

-Kelikewa <3)

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