:2: An Arrogant Heir

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The rest of the day was pretty normal, I just chilled in my dorm after lunch and watched death Note. Probably not the best thing to watch at school, but I was bored.
Toko hadn't shown up the rest of the day and I was a little worried. Not for her sake but for Togami's sake.

That night Toko still didn't show, so I went to sleep cautiously.
When I woke up the next day, I realized that it was Monday. UGH. But I guess I have to get up and start my new life at Hopes peak, more like Despair Peak if you ask me.

After I got ready for the day, I finally emerged from my dorm and headed to Advanced algebra. (Don't ask me why that's a class in highschool)

When I got there I took my assigned seat and found Fukawa intensely staring at Byakuya. They sat right next to each other in the front of the class, maybe that's what his arrogant butt needs. Throughout class, the teacher gave us the basic introduction and we were free to go. As I walked out though someone slipped something in my back pocket, I had no way of knowing what it was so of course I whipped around to slap them but they were already gone.

When I was out of the sight of anyone, I reached back and took out a finely folded paper. The note said: "Come to the library at 9:00 pm. I'll be needing your services"
Needing my services?
What services? I guess I'll go but what could they possibly want?
When I opened the door to the library, I didn't see anyone at first, but when I walked around for a minute I saw Byakuya reading a book quietly in the corner. When he looked up to see who it was, he immediately jumped up.

"Oh good! Sorry for my haste, but I have a terrible problem."

"Oh hi? Are you sure you meant to give that note to me?"

"Well of course! You are (y/n) (y/l/n) right?"

"Well yes, I am. What do you need me for then?"

"Can't you see it clear as day? Tch you commoners." He scoffed.

" No, because we've barely talked, but go on."

"Well I have this creepy girl following me and shes really getting on my nerves."

"Oh Toko Fukawa I presume? Yeah she'll do anything for you except leave you alone I'm guessing."

"Precisely! Now I figured you could persuade her to stop following me."

"I don't even know if I can do that, she seems very bent on winning you over."

"Please try, if your successful, I'll repay you in some way, It's the Togami way."

"Fine, I'll do it."

Maybe I'll finally get a use out of my title as the Ultimate Persuasive Progeny....


Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm sorry it was so short, I felt like this was a good place to cut it off. I'm so excited to keep writing though so stay tuned!

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