(a.u.m) :3: A Fair Deal

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"I'll do it", and those were the words that would change my life forever.

"Perfect, I'll expect to see results in under 48 hours if you will."

"I can't believe I'm doing this for such an arrogant person as yourself. But I've seen how creepy Fukawa is and I want you to know that is the ONLY reason I'm doing this."

"Fine by me. Now stop boring me and get out of my sight peasant." He scoffed

"That attitude is going to come back at you someday..." I said as I walked away.

"Sure it will, commoner."


As I headed back to my dorm for the night I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. "Whoever is doing this, it isn't funny." No response. Then Asahina came rushing around the corner mouth full of donuts.

"Hi (y/n)! Don't worry about me, these donuts are just SO good!"

"You're ok! Hey were you watching me by any chance?" But before I could finish she was already gone. I kept walking but I still felt uncomfortable.

"HAIYA! Were YOU the one talking to my beloved master???? HMMMM?"

"Toko? I mean yeah I ran into him but we didn't do anything!" I stammered.

"Yeah sure missy! I TOLD you to stay away from him! Or at least Toko did HAHAHAHA!" She yelled. At this point she had pinned me up against the wall and she started to pull something out of her pocket.

"Betcha never seen scissors like these before!I have them professionally sharpened by... ME! HAHAHA!" She grabbed a pair of scissors and jammed one right into my hand.


"To keep you away from my dear Byakuya! HAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed with such a demonic tone.

Just as she was about to stab me and probably kill me for good, Byakuya came walking around the corner

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Just as she was about to stab me and probably kill me for good, Byakuya came walking around the corner.

"TOKO STOP!" He yelled

"wha wha what?????? Oh Master Togami, pleasure meeting you here heheheheh..." Even as a murderer she still blushed like a tomato.

"What is happening here? (y/n) are you okay?!" He stammered.

"Of course s..she is! W..we were just h..having some fun!" It's like she was a whole different person around him. I could see even more reasons to get her away from him.

"Get away from her and get out of my sight, NOW" He yelled at her and she whimpered as she ran away, obeying Togami's orders.

"Thank you so much! Y..you saved my life." I stammered

"Don't thank me, just get her away from me and don't walk alone. She looked very serious about going through with murdering you. All I care about know is you leaving my sight and getting that hideous wound cleaned. There is some medical supplies in the nurse's office, now please leave idiot." He sounded so rude yet caring, it's probably just the hopeless romantic in my brain. As I was walking away he manged to get one more thing out of his pie hole, "Oh and don't get any ideas about you and me. Once you've done what I asked, I won't be needing to talk to you again." and with that he left, how rude.

(Time skip to two days later)

Today's the last day I have to get Fukawa away from Byakuya. Just my luck she came stumbling around the corner.

" Toko! I know that night was a little weird but I have a question for you."

"D..don't talk to m..me idiot!"

"Please Toko, it's about Byakuya."

"TELL ME, what are you hiding bitch!"

"Woah calm down!I have a proposal to make."

"Well then spill it! I don't have all day!"

"I will never speak, see, or go anywhere near Byakuya if you don't stalk him 24/7."

"Ok!" She cheerfully said, "I'll only stalk him 23/7!" With that she ran off. Well looks like I'm not getting her to agree to that, I don't even know why I'm an ultimate talent.


Later that day after Human Resources (the last class of the day) Byakuya saw me in the hall. I tried to walk away without him noticing, but he saw me and walked up. 

"I can't be seen with you here meet in the library at 6:00 pm" He said it very quietly, he was clearly embarrassed to be seen anywhere near me. Which proved even more that this billionaire's son was never going to be my acquaintance let alone my friend.

When I reached the library door, he was already waiting impatiently inside.

"Took you long enough" He scoffed

"I'm ten minutes early!"

"Whatever the matter, you didn't do as I asked. She's still following me EVERYWHERE."

"Well I'm sorry! I don't even know why I'm an ultimate ok?" I suddenly broke down right in front of him and I don't even know why I let myself do that. He was surely going to make fun of me for this.

"Oh please don't cry, I don't want to have to comfort you" But I couldn't help it, everything was happening so fast. Just then he bent down and pulled me up.

"Listen, I'm not mad at you, she's pretty difficult. I have an idea, which as much as it pains me to say,  I'll be spending more time with you."

"What?" We walked over to one of the many couches in the library and sat down.

"I was thinking that the only way to hurt Toko enough to leave me alone is to... date you."



What's gonna happen next? Continue to find out!!


(947 words)

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