(a.u.m) :9: Umm.... what?

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He kissed back quickly and it didn't feel like pretend. This was real.

I slowly pulled away and looked at him, not knowing what to do next. It seemed like everything else didn't matter and yet it all happened so fast.

Byakuya- "Thank you.... for giving me a chance"

Y/n- "Just shut up idiot" I said with a chuckle, "Let's get out of here" I led him out of the classroom with our stuff and we passed only a few people in the hall. We walked out of the school and the chilly air hit my face. It had gotten rather cold with the rain moving in, in fact our whole cold season was coming faster than usual. And that meant more snow!! (Something I love) I was so distracted by the beauty of nature that I forgot to prepare for the colder weather today. I moved my hands up and down my arms, trying to create warmth since I had only a light long-sleeve.

Byakuya- "A little cold there?"

Y/n- "What? Oh no I'm fine, I'll survive."

Byakuya-"Yeah totally-" I turned around to see him taking off his jacket,

Y/n- "No really, I'm fine, I-" Before I could say anything he put his jacket around me and I instantly felt better from the warmth. "....Thank you"

Byakuya- "No problem, but you should've thought about this in advance"

Y/n- "Gee thanks"

Byakuya- "Wait why are we outside? Our dorms are inside-"

Y/n- "I know, we're going somewhere" I led him over to my car and opened the door. "Get in :)"

Byakuya- "That's not creepy at all..."

Y/n- "Oh whatever" I started the car and slowly pulled out of the parking lot. Traffic wasn't too bad and I decided to play one of my favorite songs on the radio. I pulled out my phone and picked "Fly Me to the Moon"

Byakuya- "Really?"

Y/n- "Yes really, now shut up and let me be happy" He smirked at that comment and stayed silent, while I enjoyed singing along softly.

(Whispers to self) Byakuya- "She's so beautiful" I could barely hear it, but just enough that it made it smile.


We reached our destination and got out of the car, a tall abandoned building lying before us. 

Byakuya- "What is this place?"

Y/n- "Some old abandoned tech company, structures completely safe though! Come on," We walked over to the back of the building to find a ladder.

Byakuya- "You want me to climb this?"

Y/n- "Yes, yes I do. I do this every week, I'm sure you can manage" I started up, with Byakuya following closely behind. When we finally reached the top, we saw some light coming through the tops of the clouds. I ran over and got up on the fan to get a better view. The colors were beautiful, and I almost teared up looking at them.

Byakuya- "You alrig- oh my god" Byakuya turned to look at the sunset as well and he came over and wrapped his arm around me. I shuddered a little bit, not expecting this. We turned to face each other and slowly moved closer. 

"Beautiful" Was all he said, I could've stayed like this forever.....


Eventually we got down as the sun went beneath the earth and sat on the ground looking over the city as the twinkling lights appeared.

Y/n-"So.... about everything...."

Byakuya- "Yea.. I'm sorry"

Y/n- "Why?"

Byakuya- "It was out of nowhere, and I had no place coming on to you like that and-"

Y/n- "Byakuya, It's ok. I'm.. kinda glad you did" I leaned over and pulled him into a deep kiss, loving every bit of it. He turned and pulled me closer, still keeping contact. We laid down and looked up at the now clear night sky. I cuddled closer to him and laid my head on his chest. I was getting sleepier, so I got comfortable next to him and let myself drift off.

------Byakuya POV------

I looked down to see her fast asleep, I smiled at how beautiful see looked under the stars. Surprisingly, it wasn't as cold as before, so I didn't mind her sleeping up here. I laid my head back and waited for sleep to take me away. As I went, I had one final thought in my head:

She's finally mine, for real this time...



Heyyyy!!! So I'm sorry for not posting as much, I've had..... Writers block! and it sucks.. not to mention that I just started school, and I'm getting the feel for that. Once we hit 1k views (Which is soon! :) ) I will be releasing a whole bunch of stuff! Thank you all for your support and comments, which make me laugh every time I read them :)

oh and winter's coming soon in the story so get ready for romance as hot as hot chocolate and as refreshing as snowball fights! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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