(a.u.m) :10: Old Friends

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I woke up the next morning to the bright sunrise coming over the horizon. I tried to move, but I was being held in place by something. I looked up and almost got startled until I remembered what had happened the night before. I stayed in place, curled up in his arms.

Byakuya- "Good Morning :)"

Y/n- "Oh- I didn't know you were up"

Byakuya- "Just woke up. How'd you sleep?"

Y/n- "Great, I had a very warm place to stay"

Byakuya- "Good, I hate to rush you, but we have to get going. I have a stupid business meeting around noon" I looked down to check my phon,

Y/n- "It's about 9:30, I guess waking up early for school paid off. Good thing is, I have to meet some people later anyway."

Byakuya- "Oh really? Who?"

Y/n- "Hmmm well remember Mondo Oowata?"

Byakuya- "How could I forget?"

Y/n- "Well I meeting up with Him, Kiyotaka Isimaru, and Chihiro Fugisaki"

Byakuya- "Well that's quite the interesting bunch, what for?"

Y/n- "Well they are my friends, and I'm gonna see if I can get Taka and Mondo to flirt tehe"

Byakuya- "Well umm... Good luck with that" We stood up and dusted ourselves off, surprisingly not sore from laying directly on concrete. We carefully climbed down the ladder and reached the ally, where my car was waiting for us. We climbed in and I gave the aux to Byakuya

Y/n- "Choose a song!"

Byakuya- "I don't listen to music, what do you like?"

Y/n- "Woah woah woah woah, you don't know ANY music?!"

Byakuya- "uhhh.... No, I don't have time"

Y/n- "Yea that's gonna change. Choose a random one"  I looked over and saw him pick "WAP" well.... this is gonna be good >:) We listened to the intro, Byakuya clearly uncomfortable. Once the words kicked in, his eyes widened.


Y/n- "Tehe, for that exact reason, to make you uncomfortable :) Let me choose a song" I think Byakuya was forever scarred, but nonetheless, We jammed out to the song until I pulled up to his house. 

Y/n- "Good luck with your 'stupid' business meeting"

Byakuya- "Say hi to the group for me"

Y/n- "Bai!!" I drove to the place we decided to meet, maybe I could get an early order in before they got here.

I pulled up to the Sushi place and walked in to the wonderful smells of traditional Japan. I took a seat at a table large enough for the four of us and waited, eager to see my friends.

A little later I saw a familiar hairstyle pass through the doorway, Mondo,

Y/n- "Mondo!!" I ran up and hugged him, hes usually not the huggy type, but we'd been friends for years anyway. Next in came Chihiro and Ishimaru,

Ishimaru and Chihiro- "Y/n!" We all got in for a group hug and I felt much better. The past month had been so hectic, and even though it had ended well, I was still getting used to everything. 

Y/n- "It's been so long! Come on, I have a table for us." We walked over to the table and Mondo started,

Mondo- "It's been awhile since I've had food this good!"

𝑈𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ- 𝙱𝚢𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚢𝚊 x readerWhere stories live. Discover now