Plus, there's also the fact that I really didn't want him to stop.

My torso was now exposed, putting my blush pink bra on display. Andrew's hands immediately found my waist, and I realized that this is the first time we've ever had skin-to-skin contact. The thought made my heart pound and pump lust through my veins. I was suddenly feeling thrilled and excited, and I could tell by how handsy Andrew was becoming that things changed for him too. And just like that, the playful aura vanished, replaced with something much more intimate.

I was becoming frustrated with the lack of Andrew's lips against mine. He still hasn't kissed me yet. I gripped, his shirt, tugging him closer to me. "Just kiss me already," I murmured, which caused him to grin against my jawline.

"Someone's eager," his voice came out husky, which proved that he wanted this as much as me. His lips traveled downwards to the base of my neck, and I knew immediately that I would have a hickey.

Arching into him, I suppressed a moan and gripped his shirt tighter. "Asshole," I breathed, trying to keep myself from thinking about the marks he was leaving on my skin. Looks like the scarves I bought a few months ago are going to come in handy.

In response, he gave me a tiny bite at the base of my neck that made me squeal. After a deep chuckle, he finally made his way back up, his lips brushing against mine and my breath hitched in my throat. He repeated this action, teasing me for as long as he could. Soon enough though, he'd be teasing himself too. I could tell he was itching to kiss me by the way his gaze wouldn't leave my lips.

When I finally thought he would kiss me for real, I was once again proved wrong when he rested his forehead against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers playing in his hair.

"Have I told you that I love you?" His whisper was like a ghost as it brushed my lips.

I smiled at him. "Once or twice," I reply, my voice just as soft. As hard as I tried to keep my eyes on his, I always found myself looking at his lips.

"That's not enough," as he whispered the words, there was nothing but sincerity and honesty in his voice. "I love you," he whispered, placing a kiss on my jaw. "I love you," he repeated, while planting another kiss on my cheekbone. My heart was pounding and my body was on fire and the only thing that was on my mind was Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. Only Andrew. Always Andrew. Being with him just felt right and will always feel right and there's really no way to explain it because that's just how it is. It's crazy, and it's fun, and it's real, and it's love. It's really truly love. "I love you," he finalized, his lips crashing to mine like a wave against the shore.

Pure bliss.

I sighed contentedly internally, satisfied with his lips finally coming into contact with mine.

"Gross, get a room!"

We ignored Justin. It felt too good to stop what we were doing for Justin's sake. If he was so disgusted with it, he can go back to wherever he came from. I enjoyed Andrew's presence like there was no tomorrow.

Okay, woah, that sounded so wrong.

"Seriously you guys?" Justin continued to complain. "Are you really going to ignore me?"

Reluctantly, Andrew pulled away from me and sighed. I noticed that he stayed close enough to me to block Justin's view of my exposed torso, which I was grateful for. "That was the plan, but it's obviously not working out."

"Hey, I'm just trying to protect my precious couch from getting sex germs all over it, alright?"

I blushed, while Andrew merely rolled his eyes. "What do you want, asshole?"

"Now Andrew," Justin said in a voice that mimicked that of a mother scolding her child. "It's not very nice to call the person who's providing you living space names."

Andrew, obviously not caring, said, "Mhm, great, now tell me what you want."

Justin chuckled. "Well, it's getting pretty late, and I've got to take that sexy girlfriend of yours home."

"Don't call my girlfriend sexy. Only I can say that," Andrew got off of me, seeming to have forgotten that I was basically topless. By the time he realized, it was too late.

Justin let out a low whistle, his green eyes glued to my torso. My face turned a deep red as I scrambled to button my shirt.

Andrew was fuming. "Are you checking her out?"

"Wh-what?" Justin must have noticed how angry Andrew was, because he was spluttering as he tried defending himself. "N-no, that's--"

"Shut up and find something else to look at," Andrew demanded.

"Yes sir," Justin replied automatically, looking up at the ceiling.

Their little argument had me on the verge of laughter despite my embarrassment only moments ago. Even when they argued, there was something about it that gave off a brotherly vibe, which made me question their friendship.

I stood from the couch, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Justin's right. I told John I'd be back by nine. Any other day I wouldn't care about him, but he's been through a lot lately and I don't want to add to that."

Andrew nodded, disappointment clear on his face. "Right. You have to leave. I, uh, I really enjoyed seeing you again and I know we still haven't talked things through, but I'd love to stay in touch if you don't mind. What am I saying? I bet you hate me for just leaving you like that, which you have every right to hate me, because that was a dick move and I wouldn't be surprised if you never forgave me. I'm such an idiot--"

I interrupted his cute little rant with a kiss. Almost on instinct, his hands found my waist. I'd never heard him ramble like that before, but as cute as it was I had to stop him from thinking such thoughts. He needs to know that my feelings for him are far from hatred.

After kissing him for quite a while, I looked into his eyes. "I love you, okay? I could never ever hate you no matter what you do."

He smiled softly at me, giving me a quick peck.

"Don't you ever think like that again," I murmured. Seeing the way he reacted made me feel like I didn't show my affection towards him enough.

"Okay, promise," he kissed me again for reassurance.

"Good," I pulled away from him, gathering up my few belongings and glancing at Justin, who was looking back at me. I silently told him I was ready, to which he stood and jingled his car keys in his hands. I took Andrew's hand, pulling him towards the door to kiss him goodbye. "I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"

He just grinned in response, giving me a long kiss that made my knees go weak. "Love you, beautiful."

I couldn't help but beam once more. Gosh, can he get any sweeter? "Love you more."

"Don't think that's possible," he replied, in all seriousness. His eyes were a shade darker, and he couldn't seem to take his gaze off of me.

I gave him one last kiss, short and sweet, before following Justin back out to his car. At the moment, I wasn't looking forward to heading back home, but not even that thought could wipe the smile off my face.

In fact, I couldn't stop smiling the entire ride back home.



Hello baby cupcakes!

I know I haven't updated in, like, a super long time, but school and life got in the way. But seriously, all I wanted was to sit down and write this book, because I was starting to feel deprived. The thing is, when I finally got to write, I had writer's block, so that's why this chapter is so short and totally a filler.

Anyway, this was literally just Andrew and Hailey kissing for the most part, sooo...I don't really have much to say.

So yeah, follow, vote, and comment, and I'll see you guys next time!

The One and Only,


ps- I had cupcakes today, and they were delicious ^_^

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