Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Andrew's POV

The car eases into the driveway and comes to a stop. Karen cuts the engine and the bright glow of the headlights disappears, leaving us surrounded by darkness and silence. I find myself once again casting a glance at Adam's stoic face. He hasn't said a word the entire drive back home, but I think he's still just a little upset about the whole situation, which I understand. And, knowing him, he's probably more upset with himself for crying in front of me. Something about being less manly, I'm sure.

After Adam and I had noticeably disappeared, Karen eventually sent Hailey out to find us (which was thankfully after we had both stopped crying). She didn't ask about what was wrong with Adam, but instead just told us that Karen was worried about us and wants us back in soon. When Hailey went back inside, Adam and I took a few more minutes to get ourselves together, and then we were back inside, the slideshow long gone. And I, no longer in the mood to party, suggested to Karen that we send everyone home because I was feeling a little tired. After the party was wrapped up, we packed up the cake and leftover food and drove a long, silent drive back home. Which leads us to now.

Karen's the first to speak. "Well, I'm going to get this stuff out of the car, and you boys go on up and get ready for bed." She moves to open her door, but I stop her with my voice.

"Karen," I say, "I can get the food. You threw this amazing party for me tonight, so the least I can do is carry some food in the house."

She smiles softly at me, and in that smile I can see how exhausted she is. Slight bags have formed under her eyes, indicating how little sleep she's had over these past few days. "You sure?"

"Yep. Now go sleep." She presses her palm against my cheek lightly in a grateful touch, and I smile at her before she slips out of the car. I turn my head to look at Adam before I see her go inside. "You wanna tell me what's up?"

Adam groans and drops his head onto the back of his seat. "Oh come on, Andrew. Don't you think we've had enough heart-to-heart for one night?"

I chuckle, not giving in. "I'm not looking for a heart-to-heart, I just want to know why you haven't said a word since we left the mansion."

He sighs, bringing his head back up to look at me. "I'm never going to win with you, am I?"

I offer a flashy grin, one big enough to show off my one dimple. "Never."

Adam shakes his head shamefully. "We'll see. Anyway, I just can't find the right words to say to her. I want to tell her about tonight, but then again that's the last thing I want."

"Well, assuming you're asking for my opinion, I say that you tell her. She'll understand, no doubt. Karen just wants the best for us, that's all she'll ever want."

He stares at me for a moment, and then he smiles. "Then it's a good thing I wasn't asking for your opinion."

I roll my eyes and open my door. "Help me with this stuff, jerkface." I step out of the van and open the trunk, lifting out the remaining two layers of my cake and a container of strawberries, stacking it on top of the cake. Adam joins me a moment later, gathering the remainder of the things, and together we walk take our time walking to the porch, throwing jokes at each other along the way.

"I can't believe you're, what, fifteen, and you just had your first kiss a few weeks ago," I joke, lightly hitting his arm with my elbow.

"And I can't believe you're eighteen and still aren't mature enough to know when you should and should not make your presence known. You totally ruined the moment for me." Adam is noticeably on half-joking.

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