Chapter 29

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All I'm going to say is that there may or may not have been tears while writing this.

Song above is "I Should Go" by Levi Kreis. It fits the second half of the story.



Hailey's POV

Everyone has those times when they really want to laugh or cry in a moment where they can't. I mean, think about it. If you're at a funeral and you, for instance, think of a death that was absolutely hilarious on TV, you'll want to laugh most likely. Unfortunately, you can't, because that would seem extremely rude and inconsiderate of the dead.

There's also those times when you really want to cry and cuddle with your teddy bear and do the best you can to forget about the cruel world you live in. You want to cry over something embarrassing, or emotional, or even something that made you super happy. And then there are those times when you want to cry over your relationship issues, but you can't, because your partner is literally less than a foot away from you lying sound asleep in your bed.

That's the situation I'm in at the moment.

As the morning birds chirp a cheerful song outside my window, my heart is beating a slow, sad tune. I've been awake for about an hour now, just watching Andrew sleep and wondering if he still hates me. And based on the lack of contact between us, I'd say he does.

Bringing Bigsby closer to my chest, I fight back tears and close my eyes. I just really want Andrew to wake up already and leave so that I can cry my eyeballs out and feed them to my non-existent cat. Sounds drastic, but I think I'm willing to do it.

If only I had a cat...

I sigh, opening my eyes and stealthily climbing out of bed. If Andrew won't leave, then I will. So, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where my brother is already up and about, fixing a bowl of cereal.

I'm guessing he heard me walk in, because he immediately starts talking. "You'll never guess who called me last night." As he speaks, he pours milk into his bowl, eyes never looking up at me.

I throw my hair into a sloppy bun and sit at the island, grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. "Who?" I mumble, not really caring.

"The fucking queen of the bitches," he spits angrily, basically throwing the milk back into the fridge. "Lindsey fucking Hamilton. Can you believe it?" He scoffs, stabbing his cereal with a spoon.

I raise my eyebrows, the shock evident on my face. "What did she say?"

"The same thing she did when I dumped her ass," he grumbles, putting a slice of bread in the toaster. "She basically begged for my forgiveness and told me that she's been dreaming about us and what we used to be. Which, by the way, is grade A creepy, and I told her that. Then she just burst into tears and so I hung up on her. I mean, she's such a whiny bitch and I can't believe I was in love with that...thing." Once he finishes ranting, he finally takes a spoonful of his cereal, glancing up at me for the first time.

Smiling softly at him, I say, "You miss her... don't you?"

He just stares at me for a moment, most likely trying to decide whether to lie or tell the truth. He doesn't have to, though, because it's all over his face that he misses her.

A pink hue rises to his cheeks, and he mumbles, "How did you know?"

"For starters, you didn't glance at me not once the whole time you were ranting about how much you hate her. There's also the fact that you were too distracted with your thoughts to notice your toast is burning," I nod my head towards the toaster behind him, smoke rising from the slots.

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