Is It Over Yet?

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As soon as she was seated, Ada passed out. She didn't even remember if she buckled herself in. The next thing she knew she was jolted awake at the sound of doors opening. Dawn was upon them and they were home. Before she got out, Ada felt for her mana; she hadn't severed the connection when they left, and that fire might still be burning. She thought she was feeling nothing, but it was there, thin and hollow. There was absolutely no energy to be expended, let alone fuel flames. They had likely gone out hours ago.

Ada's muscles ached as she unfolded from the car. She felt as though she was in slow motion, while the rest of the world moved at full speed. Sam was stretching deeply as Ada glanced around their street. She was about ready to collapse into bed, but it had been a long time since they went through that drive-through; if Ada was hungry, she was certain the others were starving.

It wasn't until they got inside that she noticed the way Sam cradled her left hand to her chest. Ada frowned as she kicked off her boots. Noah entered last and shut the door on a bitter wind.

Ada reached for her hand, saying, "What happened?"

Sam allowed her to extend her arm to inspect the damage, a slight cringe on her face. "Just a little burn, that's all."

"Little?" An angry red welt flared from her index knuckle out to her wrist, right over some of her old scars. "That looks painful."

She took her hand back. "It's not so bad."

Ada sighed. "Aidan, can you break off a piece of the aloe plant, please?"

"Where is it?" He kicked off his other shoe, rubbing his eye with his free hand.

"On our dresser." Ada led Sam into the kitchen and put her hand under cold water. She winced, and Ada apologised. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

She shook her head and leaned on her forearm on the counter. "No, just the burn. It's not too bad."

Behind them, Noah pulled out a chair and sat with a deep groan. In all the chaos of the night, Ada completely forgot about his old injury. Ada examined him then, noting the clench in his jaw and his fist clenched in his lap.

"Are you hurt?" she asked, surprisingly concerned for his well-being.

He shook his head. "Nothing new."

"Can I get you anything?"

He paused, then said, "A heating pad, if you have one."

Ada nodded, more to herself than to him. He tipped his head back against the wall and shut his eyes. Ada wasn't sure if it was from the pain or from exhaustion, and she didn't want to ask. As she put on the kettle, Aidan returned, a small green sprig in hand. He gave it to Sam, then sat down with a tired sigh.

Ada kept her eye on Sam as she cracked eggs into their largest skillet. Sam winced, rubbing thick aloe gel over the welt. Ada couldn't see any other injuries on her, and she seemed to be moving fine. It didn't stop her worrying, though. She wasn't exactly forthcoming about her injuries.

No one spoke as Ada cooked. They were all exhausted. Periodic stomach rumbles joined the crackling of bacon. When the kettle clicked off, Sam fetched the hot water bottle and its little knit cozy, then filled it for Noah. He leaned forward and allowed her to place it against his lower back. Moments later, he heaved a long, deep sigh and murmured his thanks.

As she cooked, Ada mulled over what would have to be done sooner than later. There was no point putting off the inevitable. Besides, the sooner she dealt with them, the sooner she would be free of stress.

"I'm going to call them after breakfast," she said into the silence without glancing back. No one spoke, but Ada felt eyes on her. "Aidan, Noah, will you be here?"

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