Eating Her Words

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The normalcy of the chime of a call connecting, then the steady, monotonous trills jarred Ada. She dug around the muck with her free hand in frantic search of the black case which was not in her pocket any longer. The line connected, and a groggy voice filled her ear.

Ada was so dazed she didn't notice she was talking right away. "But I fucked up, really bad. I'm covered in blood-" The windows blew out in some of the second story windows. Ada flinched, and she was met by a loud curse over the receiver. "It's really bad. I didn't know who else to call."

At last she found the case and swiped mud from its cover. She didn't have much time. Sticky crimson fingers worked it open and she prayed silently the doors weren't locked. She didn't have time to get them open. She was met with no resistance and got to work at once.

The engine purred and the headlights illuminated the horrific sight. The man's good leg was bent skyward, the other splayed awkwardly to the side. The protrusion of his femur was more pronounced than it had been, but he no longer screamed. The handle of her knife jutted out of his temple, pointed toward the treetops. The blade kept much of the blood in, but inky streaks adorned his skin. He was unnaturally still.

"Ada? Are you still there?" Concern drew her attention back, and she apologised. "Is it your blood?"

"No, no it's his. He was choking me and there was nothing else I could do. I stabbed him in the temple." Ada trembled from the adrenaline coursing through her.

A soft gasp met her ear. "Shit. Do you have a vehicle?"

"I'm just about to put him in the trunk of his own car." Ada then wedged the phone between her shoulder and ear so she could grab his broad wrist and heave. The sliver of exposed blade glinted as it caught light.

"Okay, get the hell out of there and pick me up. Do you want me to stay on the line?"

The work was agonizing. Ada was already breathless and exhausted. Each pant ravaged her throat.

"No, thanks. Be there in ... I don't know, half an hour?"

Ada stowed her phone and cracked her neck. Sure, she was strong, but this was a little more than she was used to. Weight training didn't provide much help against ninety kilos of meat. Just when she thought she had a decent grip, something would slip, or shift, and she would lose more ground than she gained at getting him into the trunk. Hating the sensation, she hugged him around his middle and heaved his torso into the trunk. His head caught the lip, arching his neck impossibly far before slipping free and slamming into the bed. She kept her weight pressed against him, as disgusting as it was, for fear of having to repeat the process. When she caught some breath, she scooped up his legs and folded him inside. Spit dripped from her lip as she gasped for breath. The blade had sunk deeper into his skull, and a deep crimson smear streaked the grey material.

Ada slammed the trunk and threw up again.

There was a bottle of water in the cup holder; Ada poured it over her face and scrubbed with her free hand. The initial pierce of the knife had spattered her with hot blood. She could vividly hear and feel the crunch of bone as the blade pierced the junction with little resistance. Ada hadn't held back.

It was a long time before Ada was able to put the vehicle in gear and drive. She hadn't driven stick in a while, so it was a rough start, but she got the feel again quickly. To her immense relief, the front gate was wide open. Ada raced down the dark road, determined to reach the highway before the firetrucks arrived. If that alarm system was still hooked up properly, they should be arriving anytime. Ada would have to come back for her bike later. As she lined up to strike the chunk of quartz marking its hiding place, she made a mental note of the hollow stump just ahead on the right. The crystal flew into the trees.

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