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Sleep was fitful that morning. No matter how little or how much time passed between stirring, Ada felt no better for it. Hollow, fragile. She kept hoping that sleep would mend it. It did not. When at last she dragged herself out of bed it was to take a hot shower. She had merely wiped the grime from her arms and ankles with a face cloth before throwing herself into bed as the sun rose.

As she got out and examined herself in the mirror, she located bruise after bruise. Her throat was banded with imprinted fingers in rich berry hues. Ada hadn't felt it at the time, but along her left shin was a deep bruise where the door had struck her on her way out of the vehicle.

Paz had given her a salve before, something herbal, that helped with bruising, but for the life of her she couldn't recall the name of the plant. It was late enough that she could safely text Paz and not risk waking them. Right away, she got her answer: arnica; followed by, 'What did you do this time?'

Ada grinned and wrote, 'Rough night in bed.'

She was given an eye-roll emoji and she knew she was in the clear. Though she hadn't planned on ever returning, it looked like she had to visit Luna's Oddities again. She got the heebs even thinking about it. That place was weird—not because of what it was, but because of that girl. Maggie.

It's not like she had another choice, though. She didn't have special werewolf healing. The last thing she wanted was to try explaining clear handprints around her throat to Sam when she got back in a few days. It wouldn't clear them completely, but it would help a lot.

Fuck, what would Ada even say to her? She paused in the middle of the room, half dressed, jeans slung over her arm. How the hell could she possibly explain that? Should she lie or tell the truth? If she didn't tell her something, Sam would probably think she cheated on her.

Ada had a few days to think about that. She finished dressing and borrowed one of Sam's lighter scarves to cover the evidence. No sense getting the town talking, especially if someone reported that guy missing. Ada had to take the bus since her bike was still in the bush. She sure hoped it wouldn't rain before she could pick it up. Perhaps Noah would let her borrow the car. She sent him a text to see.

Though the rain had stopped sometime during her fitful sleep, the clouds were heavy and remained low as though waiting for the perfect opportunity to open up again. Ada hurried into the shop before it could start. This time, she was slightly more prepared for the overpowering incense upon entry.

Ada just wanted to grab the salve and get home. It felt wrong to be out like this. She felt like everyone was staring at her. Like everyone knew what she had done, but that was absurd. She had felt the same way after she stole her first car. She just had to breathe through it. The anxiety would pass. The guilt, on the other hand ...

"Wow, I never thought I'd see you here again." Maggie's amusement was a thin mask to how pleased she was. "Change your mind about my reading?"

Ada's lips a line, she shook her head. "Not even close. I'm just looking for some arnica."

"Dried or salve?" She scooted off her stool, booties clacking on the floor. "Did your friend like the gifts?"

Ada squinted at her, frozen in her tracks. "Excuse me?"

She raised her brows, head wagging as though she couldn't believe her ears. "Last time? The salt lamp? The numerology book?"

"I never said they were for someone." Her spine crawled uncomfortably. She was about to walk out and just deal with the bruises.

"Arnica is over here." Shrugging, she strode off toward the back of the store, glancing back for only a moment. "So? What kind? And how much do you need?"

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