The Poet

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By iamlarybee from ( "I am Lary")
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We call ourselves poets
yet we are rarely seen
hunched over a book,
scribbling love-sick nonsense,
or typing furiously,
locked in an entranced battle
between our sense of superiority
and our need for constant praise.

That's because poetry isn't just
elegant words
strung together in leather-bound pages,
dried flowers nestled between tear stains.

Poetry is in the way you walk.
The long, confident strides
of a self-proclaimed "male" artist
and in the quiet, brisk strut
of a hopeless romantic,
On the lookout for their next "first love".

Poetry is in drinking coffee
at 3 am
and scratching nonsensical thoughts
in corners of books.

It's in burning works written by tyrants,
misogynistic and racist,
viewing themselves as better
for no apparent reason.

It's in laying wide awake at night,
head spinning with ideas
and slipping into sleep
during your morning lecture.

Poetry is meant to be

Not only to be read in class
with a grade dependant on it

A poet lives in poetry
and exists on it.
Their expressions are poems
and their drunken words,
to be considered classic literature.

Dedicated to iamlarybee

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