Eternal Bliss

70 13 9

By adrija82
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Have you known the beauty of a starry sky,
Or felt the grasses under your feet soft and dry?

Have you felt the wind cooling your soul,
Or understood the pain in a mother's role?

Have you experienced the warmth of a winter's sun,
Or the revitalizing drizzle on a summer morn?

Have you known the love in an irresistible call,
Or witnessed the hues lying beyond the wall?

Have you felt the glacial water washing your feet,
Or tasted the wild honey rich and sweet?

Have you seen the never-ending stretches of green,
Or travelled the solitary roads beyond the hills?

Have you known what peace is there,
In mother nature's manner and care?

Have you ever learnt the lessons of life,
From nature's serenity, endurance, and sacrifice?

Dedicated to adrija82

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