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By delicate_author from "Let Me Out"
Go check the other works and give the poet a follow!

Ploughing through the roots of self-guilt,
With fear and hurt flickering within my soul,
I prayed and hoped that everything would turn out great,
Still sticking to my fake friends' empty promises.

The friends that told me they were there for me, They said to me that they'd never leave.
But I should have known there was more to it.
I should have known they lied to me in secret.

I wallowed and bawled at night,
The moon peeping through my window
being my only companion,
With fear of the light, I switched them off,
Hoping I'd find peace in your might.

Darkness slowly crept my soul,
Engulfing my heart like I was one of its own.
I fell asleep happily, something I haven't done in days.
And I just want you to know it was all by your dark grace.

The light came and I hissed like a vampire,
Feeling the excruciating pain as
my heart and mind go haywire.
Hurriedly, I shut the curtain and hid under my blanket,
Hiding from the light like a corpse in a casket.

Slowly the truth came with so much impact,
That I walk on the right path
When darkness leads my heart.

Dedicated to delicate_author

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