#6 Sam

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Now story


Tayler - You cannot wear that. Bryce are you blind?

Bryce - No I’m not blind and that’s why I told her to get a hoodie. 

You - And I can wear whatever I want. Thank you very much. 

Tayler - Fine, but when some drunk idiot tries something with you don’t be surprised when Bryce and I beat him to a pulp. 

Bryce - I agree with Tayler. Ok let’s go.

I just rolled my eyes. 

Tayler pulls out of the driveway and drives to the party. When we get there there are disco lights seen through the windows and people are outside and inside. 

The people outside are either talking and drinking or making out. The door is wide open. The music is blasting that I’m surprised the neighbors haven’t called the cops. 

We get out of the car but I only take my bag and leave my hoodie in the car. I close the door and walk to the door. I go inside with the boys right behind me. The boys then leave to who knows where. I go to the kitchen to get a drink first. 

When I get to the kitchen there's a variety of drinks. It goes from Alcohol to beers, and then those fruity beers that people like, and energy drinks. I get a cup and a mixture of Vodka and pineapple juice. I like fruity drinks. Once I finish mixing it I take a big sip.

I look around to see if I know anyone. Then someone I know from school comes up to me. I know him from some of my classes but we don’t talk. 

He was tall, had long dark brown hair that covered half of his forehead, cute, and really nice, he also had really pretty eyes. Not to mention he is one of Bryce’s friends. I think his name was Sam Hurley. 
Sam - Hey you’re Y/N right? 

You - I don’t know you tell me. 

Sam - Cute. So what’s a pretty girl like you doing alone here?

You - Thank you and well my brother left to go somewhere here. And his best friend is the same case. Now my question. Why is Sam Hurley suddenly interested in me?

Sam - Ah so you know me?

You - I know of you. But you didn’t answer my question. 

Sam - Well believe it or not I have been meaning to talk to you for a while. It’s just with your brother and his best friend I would probably be in the hospital. But I finally grew a pair and decided you’re worth it. 

You smile
You - Ah ok. So what made you realize I was worth it. Otherwise I’m gonna think you’re just trying to get in my pants. 

Sam - Smart as well. Um well I realized that from everyone that knows you, you seem like a pretty great girl. It’s hard finding that, it’s either a girl will throw herself at you or use you. But from what I heard you’re different. I guess I just wanted to know for myself. 

You - Well Mr. Hurley you’re not wrong with the girls part or about me. I have respect for my body and the guys that come onto me. But unless you’re a done and gone I suggest you leave now. 

Sam - Well maybe I actually want to get to know you. So how bout we play a little game. I ask you a question and answer and the same goes for you. How’s that sound? 

You - Ok I’ll give you a shot. Okay what’s your first question?

Sam - Favorite color?

You - White, Gray, or Peach, can’t decide. Same for you.

Sam - Blue ( I’m just making these up Idk ) Ok, what’s your favorite animal? 

You - Wolf. Same.

Sam - Dolphin. What’s your favorite school subject?

You - Math. Same.

Sam - um Science. What do you want to do for a career?

You - Medical right now. Same

Sam - I don’t know actually. How old are you ?

You - 17, you?

Sam - 17. What's 

Sam was about to ask another question when Bryce interrupted us with of course his friends. 

Bryce - Hurley what are you doing with my sister?

You - Bryce. 
You say in a warning voice and give him a death glare. 

Sam - No Y/N it’s ok. Well Bryce if you really want to know I’m getting to know your sister. 

Bryce - May I ask why?

Sam - I would rather talk in private. 

Bryce - Boys go roll up, I got to talk to these 2. 

They all walked away to the backyard. 

Bryce - Y/N explain now or I promise he won’t walk alive. 

You - We were just talking. I don’t know what the big deal is.   

Bryce - The big deal is that he’s one of my friends and you know the rule.

Sam - What rule?

Bryce - Y/N is not allowed to date any of the boys without my permission, which has never happened. 

You - Oh my god one guy isn’t going to kill you. What if I liked Sam?

Bryce - It’s not going to kill me, but what happens when he breaks your heart, we already learned from the last one Y/N. 

Sam - Wait what happened with the last one? 

Bryce - You tell him what happened and the reason you’re off limits to the boys. 

I looked at Sam and he looked at me. I looked into his gorgeous eyes. 

You - My last boyfriend cheated on me numerous times and I couldn’t accept it so we continued dating until I kept catching him. Bryce was with me the last time I caught him and beat him. After that Bryce had asked me If I knew anything about it. I said yes. And that’s why Bryce is the way he is. 

Sam - I am so sorry that happened. But to both of you, I don’t intend on being like that if our relationship goes any further than friends. I promise. Come on Bryce we’ve been friends since 6th grade. You know me. 

Bryce - I do know you. But I swear you hurt her and I will not hesitate to murder you. 

You went and gave Bryce a hug. When you pull apart Bryce and Sam do a guy handshake whatever. He then goes to the other guys. 

You - So

Sam - So

You both laugh 

Sam - Would you like to go on a date with me?

You - I’d really like that. 

Sam - Great. So now that that’s settled can I get your number?

You - Yeah sure. 

You guys exchange phone numbers and keep talking. That night you learned a lot about Sam. At around midnight you say bye and head home with the boys. Weird but none of you were drunk. You guys got home and Tayler stayed in Bryce’s room. You went to sleep thinking about Sam that night. 

If you want to know what Sam looks like just search up Sam Hurley. Next chapter coming soon. Bye!

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