#13 What Happened

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Tayler POV 

Bryce - Well it all started when we got out of school. Well technically skipped. We went to Jaden’s and hung out there for a while. Maybe, maybe not might of smoked a little. 

Tayler - coughs* a bunch cough*

Bryce gives me a “are you serious dude” face while Y/N looks at him with raised eyebrows. 

Bryce - Anyways. We got high and drank. The usual. Now this is where everything goes downhill. 

Tayler - You see I wasn’t as messed up as Bryce. But anyways he was high and drunk. Like a lot. And well Josh dared him to go to Target and run down the aisle screaming “ You’re gay” to everyone he ran into. Didn’t go well. 

Bryce - Yeah we get it. 
He rolls his eyes and Y/N just looks like she’s already annoyed. 

Y/N - And then what?

Bryce - Wellllll

Tayler - Best part. The cops come right? And guess what Bryce does? 

Y/N & Tayler - Sprays the officer with an Ani. 

Tayler - Wait, how’d you know?

Y/N - Happened before. Many times. Next. 

Tayler - When it finished he started yelling at them and running around. There were like 5 guys chasing him. Once they caught him he started swinging. 

Bryce - Yeah. Not my best moment. 

Y/N - So let me get this right. You guys were day drinking AND getting high. And then disturbed a public store. Assaulted not one but five police men? 

Bryce - Yeah. But there was an ending. 
Y/N - Does it make this situation worse or better? 

Tayler & Bryce - Worse. 

Y/N - What did you do?

Bryce - I sang Still Softish the whole ride. 

Tayler - Yup. 

Y/N - Alright. So you guys decided that you wanted a big a** woopen today, right?

Tayler & Bryce - Please no. 

Y/N - No you’re both getting it. 

Y/N - One question. How are you not arrested?

She asks as she points to me. 

Tayler - Well by the time they got him I was sober and not him. 

I respond as well as point to Bryce. 

Bryce - Dude. Not helping. 

Y/N - When we get home both of you are going to the living room and putting away everything that is fragile. 

Bryce and I both visibly gulped and were scared as hell. 

Y/N - Officer what are the charges?

She asks as she looks toward the Officer’s desk where he was standing and watching while eating popcorn. 

Bryce and I gave him an “ are you serious right now” look. 

P/O - 600 since he’s still in school. Surprisingly. 

Y/N - You two better pay me back. 
She said while looking at us with a look that could kill. 

After she was done with the paperwork the Officer let Bryce out. 
P/O - Good luck. 

Tayler & Bryce - Thanks we’ll need it. 

Bryce and I walked with our heads down and slowly like extremely slow behind Sam and Y/N. 
Welp Sam definitely helped us for then because I know for sure that Y/N would have beat our a** right then and there. 

We all got in the car and it was silent the whole ride. Everyone afraid of angering the demon. 
I wouldn’t dare say that to her or out loud but since I’m just thinking this I should be safe. 

Ok here you go.

Together From The Start To Finish.  *Tayler Holder Story*Where stories live. Discover now