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Elrond got better everyday. Rivendell's norm was changed by Elrond's presence but you still missed home. "I have to go home" You told Elrond one day. "I understand, I have noticed you avoiding the topic of your home and you seem distant when I bring it up. But please, no dark magic this time." You chuckled and nodded. "We can visit each other once a year. Or maybe I could come here for a full year every now and then." Elrond nodded and smiled. "It'd be an honor to have you with us, Lady (Y/l/n)." You sighed happily. 

That night, a dark figure came to you. "My child." It was one of the Gate Keepers. It's face transformed to one you knew. Your mother. "Stealing the lord of the last homely home from us was foolish and reckless of you, but it worked. I was able to sooth the others and let you keep him. Never act so recklessly. I'm sorry I didn't return to you. I was as foolish as you.. Know that I love you, my daughter."

You woke up with a start. You were in the bed alone, once again. You walked to the balcony. As expected, your lover was there. "I'm not even surprised." You smiled. Elrond tried to smile. "What keeps you up this late?" He asked softly. "Just had an interesting dream. I think my mother was taken way back by the Gate Keepers and that they won't be bothering you again." Elrond smiled. "Do you believe that your dream was real?" You nodded as an answer. "Interesting." Elrond hummed. "We should go back to bed, it is rather cold in here." Elrond said offering his palm to you. You laid your hand in his softly and followed along.

The day finally arrived. "I will miss you." You said packing away the dress Elrond had gifted you. "I will think of you everyday 'till we meet again." Elrond said taking your hands in his. "I'm happy to have met you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I tell you I love you." Elrond said pressing his lips against your lips. 

You walked with Elrond down to the pond. The moonlight pierced the crystals once more. "Stop!" Arwen yelled running to the two. "You should go with her." Arwen encouraged setting down a bag. "What?" "Me, Elladan and Elrohir can take care of Rivendell while you're gone. And we have Lindir! You can return next year. You two deserve to be together." Arwen smiled. Elrohir and Elladan raced down to the pond aswell. "Are you sure?" Elrond asked looking upon his children. "Of course, father. You always strive to make us happy. Now, let us make you happy." Elrohir spoke with a smile and Elladan nodded. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Elrond asked looking at you. You nodded quickly. "I would love nothing more!" Elrond smiled at your answer. "Very well. But I'll be back in a year." Elrond assured. "We will miss you, ada." Arwen confessed. The kids wrapped Elrond in a hug. "I'll miss you all." Elrond admitted. Elrond took your hand and his stuff and you entered the portal together.

"So your boyfriend was kidnapped by these evil guys called the Gate Keepers and you saved him with the help of a wizard and your boyfriends daughter? That's crazy. Sounds like the best D and D session ever." You sighed. Serenity did not believe you. Atleast she forgave you for being gone so long. "The movie's starting (Y/n)!" Elrond called from the living room. Lily was curled up on his lap. "I'll be right there! Gotta go Serenity. It's movie night." "Alright. See ya!" "Bye, bye!" 

You walked to the living room and sat next to him. "Excited?" You asked him. "You could say that." Elrond hummed. You kissed him on the cheeck. "Alright and showtime!"

(Yeah. It's a weird ending, but I hope it works with you all. Thank you for reading this story and hopefully you enjoyed.)

I did it for you //SEQUEL TO THE ELROND X READER "IS THIS HOME?"//Where stories live. Discover now