Chapter 5 - Into a battle

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Your small fellowship had been traveling for a couple of days. You knew you were beginning to get close by the pure evil you could feel in the air. You three traveled closer and closer to the mountains when suddenly. "Wh-what is that!?" You asked worry rushing over you as you heard a horn in the distance. "Orcs!" Arwen stated looking at the direction of the alarming sound. You could have sworn her eyes glimmered as she entered battle mode. A small army of orcs hurried your way. Tanmon twirled his staff and you drew out Elrond's sword. Adrenaline rushed threw your body as you rode Autumn into battle. You swung the light elven sword gracefully as you rode your horse past some of the orcs. Another toot of the horn alarmed you three of more orcs entering the battle field. Arwen had front flipped off of her horse and started hitting the orcs on the ground. She pierced threw an orc with her beautiful blade and then twirled her sword with the orc on it to knock multiple orcs on the ground. 

Tanmon rode his horse carefully as he swung his scepter at the orcs. He shot some magic blasts at the orcs that were farther away. You saw another army of orcs coming your way and you hopped off your horse. You ran to Arwen and sliced an orc that was trying to get her from behind. "Thank you." Arwen smirked before running forward and slicing multiple orcs. "No problemo." You said stabbing an orc from behind. You could almost feel Elrond's spirit with you as you swung the great elven sword at the foul beasts. 

Tanmon galloped past you. He dropped himself next to you and created a light blue shield to block an orcs attack. "Thanks." You breathed out as you were already getting exhausted by the battle. Tanmon nodded. You looked to the side and saw more coming. "There are too many of them!" You said killing multiple orcs with a single stab. "I agree with, (Y/n)." Tanmon confessed. Arwen nodded before whistling for Asfaloth to come get her. You and Tanmon did the same. You both hopped on your horses. Arwen ran to her horse and gracefully jumped on as the horse galloped forward. You saw the orcs trying to keep up with your speed but the horses were faster and soon they had fallen far behind. You patted Autumn gently. You'd soon arrive to the mountains.

You saw the haunting looking mountains in the distance. The air was cold and you were shaking slightly. On the mountain there was a fortress. You could barely spot it. The temperature was dropping quickly. "Well have to leave our horses here or they'll freeze to dead." Tanmon stated and you and Arwen nodded. You three continued on foot and after couple of long feeling hours you arrived to the entrance of the mighty but evil looking fortress. "We must be careful." Arwen stated gripping her sword tightly. You nodded and the three of you pushed the doors open. The place was cold and both the walls and floor were made of dark stone bricks. The Gate keepers were nowhere to be seen. You stayed still. Was this a trap? 

You swallowed hard. The three of you moved forward quickly. The fortress looked huge. "Whatever happens we will stick together." Arwen stated. You and Tanmon nodded and you three walked to a hallway ahead. There were multiple doors. You focused on the door at the end of the hallway. "Hmm.." You hummed heading forward carefully, Arwen and Tanmon soon on your tail. You opened the door and there saw an intimitating staircase that led down. You walked down the stairs and held your sword close. And there he was. Elrond. Sitting in a small cell. He looked to be unconscious. He looked exhausted. And broken. The sort of glow that he had was fully faded and he was left looking damaged. You'd have to get him out of here and help him!

Your heart raced as you were about to run to him. Before you could do anything, you felt someone grab your arm. "It might be a trap. We should go forward slowly.." Arwen said. You nodded embarrassed for letting your emotions cloud your judgement. You noticed that one of the bricks on the wall had broken slightly and a piece had falled on the floor. You took the piece and threw it forward. Nothing happened. "It's probably safe.." You stated walking forward slowly and carefully. Suddenly you felt the brick under your foot press down. You looked down your eyes wide. It had set off a trap. The dungeon started shaking. It was going to crumble! "We need to run!" Tanmon yelled. "Not without my ada!" Arwen stated about to run forward. "I'll get him! You two need to run to safety!" You informed moving towards the cell. "B-b.." Arwen tried to object but Tanmon forced her to leave. 

You tried to open the cell door but it was locked. "Come on.. Where is the key!?" You yelled trying to look around. You spotted the key near a wall. It was laying on a dark oak table. The table was shaking and the key soon fell down. You ran towards it. The ceiling was collapsing all around you. You swiftly snatched the key from the ground and ran back to Elrond. You opened the door and quickly kneeled in front of Elrond. You slowly sifted your hands under his still body. He was dangerously light. You ran up the stairs, holding Elrond in your arms bridal style. You noticed that the dungeons were only crumbling so you didn't have to run but you did so, so you'd catch up to the others. "(Y/n)? I-is that you?" You heard Elrond ask. His voice was hoarse and weak. You looked at him and noticed that he smiled at you faintly. He looked like he had been through hell. The bags under his eyes were closer to black than a more natural dark purple. His lower lip was split and his right cheek had a rather nasty cut. "It's me. Everything is going to be ok but I need you to rest for now ok?" You assured softly. Elrond nodded slowly before going back to sleep. You got out of the fortress and saw Arwen and Tanmon waiting by the horses. 

You smiled as you finally reached your tiny fellowship. "Ada!" Arwen looked at his father with tear filled eyes. He had clearly been in great pain in the fortress. "We should start traveling back before the Gate keepers come back." Tanmon stated. You nodded and rose on Autumn, Elrond in front of you. And then you started traveling back to Rivendell.

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