Chapter 2 - The mountains

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(Ok so let's just say Elladan and Elrohir are not a big part of this fic. Mainly because i feel like if i had the duo as main characters, Arwen wouldn't get too much of the attention she deserves. They'll still exist but they wont play a major role, sorry for all of their fans. ;-;)

Tho you were wrapped in a warm blanket you still shivered from the cold water. "So let me get this straight.. You know my ada and you've come all this way to rescue him from these so called 'Gate keepers'?" You nodded and tried to wrap the blanket tighter. "How did he get back? Isn't the purple moon's portal the only way to travel?" Arwen asked. "Well.. We found a way to get him back but it included doing this weird ritual thing and these Gate keepers came out of the lake, wanting a soul." You felt tears sting the corners of your eyes and a lump in your throat. You hadn't talked about what with anyone. You had told your friends that he and you had decided to not talk to each other for a while. They thought you two had fought about something. But that wasn't true. "H-he sacrificed himself for me." You finished turning to a sniffling/sobbing mess.

You felt a pair of warm hands wrap around yours. "I see the two of you became quite close." Arwen said with a sad smile. It was full of compassion. She clearly missed her dad but was also happy that he hadn't been alone in the other world. You let out a weak sniff. "You must be drained from the travel here. I'll show you to a sleeping chamber." Arwen offered. You nodded. You took your bag and followed after her.

You and Arwen stopped soon. She opened the grand looking doors. The place was very clean and formal. There was a small study in the corner and couple of bookshelves. The scent of the place was kinda familiar. "I'll leave you to be alone." Arwen said walking off to do what ever elves do. You set your bag down and sat on the bed. Soon after that you were tucked under the dark green silk like blanket. It was still a miracle how you had even gotten there. The place was real. Thinking about it made you tired. You yawned couple of times before you couldn't hold your eye lids open anymore. As soon as they closed you fell into a deep slumber.

You opened your eyes. You were in a strange new location you had never seen before.The place was nasty and felt cold. You were sitting on the floor and next to you there were thick looking metal bars. You felt them. They were ice cold and you immediately pulled away. You looked to the other direction and spotted an exhausted and tortured looking elf staring at you in amazement. "Elrond?" You asked your voice trembling as you got up and walked to him. His eyes were filled with tears and he smiled at you softly. "You came all the way to Middle-earth?" He asked also getting up. You nodded before connecting your lips with his. You couldn't think of anything else to do in this situation. God you had missed him. "I love you." You mumbled into the kiss your eyes watering. "I love you too." Elrond answered holding you tightly. You broke the kiss and Elrond let go. "Do you have any clue on where you are.. or should i say where we are?" "Sadly no. I'm guessing it's somewhere high by what i can see.. Perhaps on a mountain." Elrond stated looking at the small metal bars that had a small hole between them. Outside was pitch black and it seemed to be pretty windy. "How did you get into Middle-earth and where are you now?" Elrond asked. "Well i waited a whole year and then used the purple moon to travel to Rivendell. Arwen got me a room which had this beautiful dark green bed and a study area." You answered. "It has been a year? I have fully lost my sense of time.." A small smirk appeared on his lips as he continued. "And by your description i'm guessing that you are staying in my sleeping chamber." You felt yourself redden. That explained the familiar scent.

Suddenly you felt like you were dragged away. "Uhh, E-Elrond?" You asked. "You're starting to wake up!" He stated wrapping his arms around you. "Tell my children i love and miss them. And i miss you (Y/n)." Elrond said before kissing you once more. He knew that no one knew when you'd see again. You kissed back and soon felt the warm lips fade.

You woke up in the room Arwen had given you. You were now pretty certain it was Elrond's. But you didn't think about that. You thought about your mission. You needed to save Elrond!

(Hi guys! Sorry that it has been so long. I just finished this chapter (had written it for a long time) and i'm publishing it kinda really late so, sorry for misspelling/sentences that don't make sense. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and i hope to hear from all of you soon!)

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