Chapter 4 - "Are you a blue wizard?"

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You and Arwen had begun your journey torwards the Mórë wá amon. As you had suspected the Middle-earth was beautiful. All though it looked different to the movies. The riding threw the lovely fields and huge forests was fun but you felt yourself always being on the edge. You knew the Middle-earth was dangerous! It had orcs and giant spiders and.. more orcs. But after a long while of riding you had to take a break. You two stopped near the Fangorn forest. "We'll have to continue our journey tomorrow." Arwen stated before making a small camp fire. "Indeed." You answered trying to find a good spot to rest. You looked at the fire as you started to travel to the land of sleep. 

You woke up to a feeling of being watched. You sat up and noticed that Arwen was still sleeping. The elegant horses were eating some grass and minding their own business. Then you noticed him. A young looking man was pointing a scepter at you. "Uhh.." He had dark blueish black hair and glowing blue eyes. He was dressed in dark robes. His scepter was beautiful. It looked to be from a spruce tree and the jewel at the end was bright white. "Who are you?" The young man asked with a hint of warning in his voice. Arwen had also woken up and drawn her sword against the stranger. "My name is (Y/n) and i mean no harm." You answered worriedly. "And who might you be?" Arwen asked pointing her sword at the man. "Most call me Tanmon the blue." He answered removing his scepter but still looking at you. 

"Wait.. Are you a blue wizard?!" You looked at him. He nodded. It made sense. Arwen put her sword back in it's sheath. "My name is Arwen and we are trying to travel to the Mórë wá amon." "The mountains south of Mordor?" Tanmon asked. Arwen nodded. "Have you been there?" You asked interested at Tanmon's knowledge of the place. "Yes. But the trip there wasn't easy." Tanmon continued. "And the trip cost me a lot." "What do you mean by that, lord Tanmon?" Arwen asked. "I lost a dear friend when i last visited the mountains. She fought with honor but didn't sadly make it back. I swore to her that i wouldn't be foolish and go back trying to help her." "Well.. I am going there to help lord Elrond." You stated. 

Tanmon looked at you with wide eyes. "Are you serious? That is a mission you wont come back from. And even if you got there.. No one knows the weakness of the creatures and you couldn't rescue him!" Tanmon stated. "Maybe.. But he sacrificed himself for me so the least i can do is try to help him!" You fought back. Tanmon did have a point but you couldn't just let Elrond suffer. Or perhaps even die! "Hey! Hey.. You both need to calm down." Arwen said breaking you apart before we started to fight. "There is no use in fighting each other. Every second we waste is another that our loved ones are in pain. The best plan would be if we fought against the creatures together." In that moment you saw leadership in her. Just like in Elrond. You agreed with her. 

"We need to put our differences aside so we can help the ones we care about. What do you say, friend?" You said offering your hand for a hand shake. Arwen's point had inspired you to do some team work. Tanmon hesitated for a moment. "I won't be able to bring my own friend back but it might not be too late for yours. So I'll help you get him back." You nodded with a smile and shook your hand slightly. You heard him mumble something about being sorry for breaking his promise before he shook your hand. Arwen smiled. "Now we should continue our journey together before it becomes too dark. Do you have a horse, lord Tanmon?" Arwen asked. "Of course." Tanmon stated with a nod. He whistled and soon a grand looking black horse came running from the forest. He gently hopped on the horses back gracefully. "Shall we?" 

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