Chapter 6 - Is this a dream?

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(So yeah I've fully rewritten this chapter and removed all the Elrond pov's. I felt it'd be better.)

You strolled  next to the end of the bed. Elrond had been brought to his personal chamber and treated right away when you and Arwen had arrived to Rivendell. Rivendell's greatest healers had done the best they could and all the small cuts had been healed up. There were couple of very deep wounds that were really deep and some had been infected, they'd take a while to heal but eventually they'd heal. You were most worried about his mental state. He must have been rather broken after such torment for such a long time. It made you feel really guilty about your decision to wait for a whole year but you could've made the situation much worse by doing so.  And he was safe now so it wasn't all bad. 

"How is he?" Arwen asked gently. She had come to ask you every now and then how he was. She was doing most of Elrond's work as a ruler and was kind of busy. "He hasn't said anything and is still sleeping." You answered honestly. "Alright, I'll have to get back to work. Elladan and Elrohir are better at the defence aspect of my fathers work than the negotiations part." Arwen admitted with a soft smile. "Nobody's great at everything." You thought outloud. Arwen hummed thoughtfully. Arwen started turning away when you stopped her with your words. "Thanks for helping me." She turned back. "I couldn't have done it without your help." You explained truly thankful. "Of course. He is my father after all. I am truly happy that he could be saved." She stated already turning away but she stopped. "You should try to rest a little. He'd appreciate that." Then she walked off. You nodded to yourself. You sat down on a chair next to Elrond's bed and soon you were asleep.

You felt someone touch you carefully. "Just five more minutes." You muttered pleadingly. "(Y/n)?" That voice! "ELROND YOU'RE AWAKE!" You screeched a huge smile on your lips. Without another thought you tackled him in a hug on the bed. "I've missed you so, so, so much. I love you, never leave me again!" You were almost sobbing. Elrond gently combed his hand through your hair. "Never." He whispered. You could hear that he was smiling. His voice just sounded like that right now. You heard distant footsteps and a group of elves appeared. Lindir, Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir all now entered the room to greet the lord of Rivendell who had finally returned home.

You sat next to Elrond on the bed. "And so this is a Christmas present from me to you." He took it and examined it carefully. "Come on! Open it!" You encouraged. Elrond opened the paper gently to reveal a book. It was a book your dad had got you and you thought he could maybe enjoy it. "It's one of my favorite books." You confessed aloud. "Oh! I'll have to read it through then." Elrond answered with a wide smile. "I didn't get you anything though.." Elrond smiled sadly. "It's alright! You didn't know. Besides it's enough that you're well." You smiled. Elrond gave you kiss on your cheek and you felt your heart do a backflip.  "Excuse me, lady (Y/n). Lord Elrond needs some rest." An elf who had walked in informed. You nodded and said your goodbyes to Elrond before leaving him to have a well deserved rest.

I did it for you //SEQUEL TO THE ELROND X READER "IS THIS HOME?"//Where stories live. Discover now